Adding to GridLayout dynamically
I am trying to create some objects and add them to a GridLayout dynamically. I have a couple of questions on how to pull it off.
I have the GridLayout created.
GridLayout { id: grid anchors.fill: parent rowSpacing: 2 columnSpacing: 2 }
I am creating objects to populate it like this
var object = Qt.createComponent("MyObject.qml"); var instance = object.createObject(grid);
Will this actually add the object to the grid? How can I set Layout properties on the object, for example Layout.fillHeight?
@krobinson hi,
see this exemple from
function createSpriteObjects() { component = Qt.createComponent("Sprite.qml"); sprite = component.createObject(appWindow, {"x": 100, "y": 100}); if (sprite == null) { // Error Handling console.log("Error creating object"); } }
After a bit more research I have realized that I am creating a Component object. So I cant just set the layout attached property on there. I need to access the actual item defined in the Component. How can I do that? Doing it by name just seems to be undefined.
That just returns undefined. How do I access the internal items in the component?