Phonon with vlc backend on Windows
I would like to know how to implement the vlc backend for phonon on Windows.
I can not find relevant information about the procedure to do it.
The reason is because with the original backend (ds9), some MP3s can not be played while some can be although they can all be played in the Windows Media Player.Thank you,
Sébastien -
First, I never used Phonon so I cannot help you on that.
In general to implement a custom audio back-end you need to plug the existing decoder to the Qt Multimedia kit. This way is what I did, and is a lower-level of abstraction than Phonon.
But if you don't have performance constraints this is what you can do:
decode the audio stream (original file) to .wav format using vlc
play the wav audio using phonon (you have a temporary file or buffer).
when the user close you clean by deleting the file or the buffer
In fact I need to play video files including full hd ones; so I can't use this solution.
But I'm sure there is a solution because some applications use the vlc backend in but when I'm trying to compile the Qt sources, it just create a phonon_ds9 backend and not the phonon_vlc one. -
If you still need a solution, download "the phonon vlc dlls":
It's built with mingw, so if your application is building in Visual Studio it won't work for you.
Extract the bin folder to your application folder and remove the ds9 dll in the phonon_backend folder.
According to jb (the guy who built it), it is that simple.
Hope this helps!