QAbstractItemModel::dataChanged what would you prefer?
Flavour question about
QAbstractItemModel::dataChanged(const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight, const QVector<int> &roles)
:Say you have a model that changes, at the same time, the
of theindex(0,0)
of theindex(1,0)
Would you prefer that the model emitted
or would you rather havedataChanged(index(0,0),index(0,0),{Qt::DisplayRole}); dataChanged(index(1,0),index(1,0),{Qt::FontRole});
? -
@kshegunov said in QAbstractItemModel::dataChanged what would you prefer?:
if Qt::UserRole isn't anything that should be updated in the GUI.
You are right, that aspect is important, changed the question so that both roles matter for the UI
Also number two as it might optimise the number of calls to data.
I'd generally prefer flavour 2 too. It's more "correct", since
index(0, 0)
hasn't changed its FontRole andindex(1, 0)
hasn't changed its DisplayRole.In the end though, I'd also consider the code complexity and impact. If this was a custom model within my own app, I'd just choose the option that requires simpler code (which I think is Flavour 1).
When you look at the default implementation you will see that the second one is better: -
I would go with the 2nd option, simply for the fact that it's much clearer, what is supposed to happen. Or rather what just happend.
@JKSH said in QAbstractItemModel::dataChanged what would you prefer?:
I'd just choose the option that requires simpler code (which I think is Flavour 1)
it's actually flavour 2 in my case as I would have to check that the two indexes are one next to the other while I don't care using flavour 2
@Christian-Ehrlicher said in QAbstractItemModel::dataChanged what would you prefer?:
When you look at the default implementation you will see that the second one is better:
Ok, this is a show stopper. I did not realise sending
(often) triggers a repaint of the entire view. This makes flavour 2 strictly betterThanks everyone for your insight