How to open Virtual Keyboard without clicking the TextEdit
[quote author="Kypeli" date="1314350841"]In Harmattan Qt Components for TextField you can use forceActiveFocus() - but not sure about TextEdit.
But if you target Harmattan (since you talk about the virtual keyboard?), I would go with TextField. [/quote]
Symbian also haves virtual keyboard, and interested about that :)
Sure you do: "TextEdit::openSoftwareInputPanel":
Symbian virtual keyboard is entirely different. It takes you to a native view with a split keyboard. Once you commit the content they are pushed to your Qt View. This may not go well with suggestions etc.
[quote author="srikanthsombhatla" date="1314798567"]Symbian virtual keyboard is entirely different. It takes you to a native view with a split keyboard. Once you commit the content they are pushed to your Qt View. This may not go well with suggestions etc.[/quote]
@srikanth: Agree that it looks pretty bad on Symbian. Even Symbian Anna doesn't actually offer a real split keyboard for Qt apps (with both app UI and the virtual keyboard visible in one screen). However, it's not quite like it's a completely different view: When typing with the virtual keyboard, keypress events are delivered to the Qt app as you type, and selections change in the Qt app as it changes in the keyboard-view.