Augmented reality for QtQuick
I want to develop an app wich need to use Augmented reality, i want to know if QtQuick include tools for AR, and how can i use it?
I´m using Symbian 3 and i have troubles using Camera, so I need your help please, give any idea.
ok, but I have watched Wikitude app for Nokia, do they used UI to develop this app? or how can i do it?
ok, thank very much, I will try, and if i can do it, i will post more information about it
The question is a bit ambiguous. Quick does not have any API for tracking fiducials nor anything else, you should do this by yourself or use any other library like OpenCV, ARToolkit or something similar.
However the Quick UI elements can be used for AR or any other interactive interface. I use some for a project we have at edis, you can check some videos at
In the projects we use projection mapping, cameras, calibration, and whatnot, and we use Qt and Qt Quick for UI and interactive elements.
While it's not for Qt C++ rather than Qt Quick these blog posts might be of interest to you if you haven't seen them already:
"Part 1":
"Part 2":
"Part 3": cover the basics of doing AR with Qt including tracking objects with a webcam, openGL etc