[Solved] Qt Creator 2.2.84 memory consumption
Hello. From 2.3 beta version of Qt Creator I encountered a problem of large memory consumption. For 4-5 hours of the work the memory consumption increases to 1.5-2 GB and I need to restart Creator for continue. Is it just my case, or this is a common problem?
OS: Windows 7 64 bit
!http://goo.gl/tK9CK(Process Explorer screenshot)!
Qt Creator needs a lot of memory to keep all the information stored in all the headers and files used available. Depending on the size of the projects (incl. the headers you include in it) that can be a lot of memory.
Does the memory consumption increase over time without you opening projects? That would point to a memory leak somewhere.
moeliney: The time it takes to find all possible completions depends on the number of files included (directly or by other include files). So yes, making sure headers are only included where necessary does speed up Qt Creators code completion. It also reduces compile times by the way, sometimes rather drastically.
Please "report a bug":http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/ then. Is the project that you see the issue with available to the public?
bq. The fix is available in master.