Plotting 3D Polyline on QML Map
QML and Qt Quick
I am currently trying to use the Map QML to display a set of coordinates with the minimal map example, but adding altitude as I found out Qt Coordinate holds one. This was meant to simulate flight trajectory paths from GPS data.
Map { anchors.fill: parent plugin: mapPlugin center: QtPositioning.coordinate(59.91, 10.75) // Oslo zoomLevel: 10 tilt: 90 MapPolyline { line.width: 3 line.color: 'green' path: [ { latitude: 59.91, longitude: 10.75 , altitude: 100}, { latitude: 59.92, longitude: 10.75001, altitude: 125}, { latitude: 59.93, longitude: 10.75002, altitude: 1000 }, { latitude: 59.94, longitude: 10.74998, altitude: 20000000 } ] } }
However, the resulting polyline was rather snaps on to the map, as if the altitude were all set to zero
Is this is the expected result or is there any wrongdoings in my part? If this is intended, is there any other feature in Qt to help me project 3D trajectory on maps?