Problem with scroll bars in Qml TableView
General and Desktop
I am using Qml Tableview and I am facing one problem here.
The scroll bars of tableview gets into auto-hidden mode on Windows 10 systems. While hovering on the scroll bar location they appear that also so small that hardly gets visible. On Windows 7 systems, it is showing properly.
I am facing same problem with Listview scroll bars also.Can anyone help me in the matter?
TableView { id: table frameVisible: true anchors.fill: parent sortIndicatorColumn: -1 sortIndicatorOrder: Qt.AscendingOrder sortIndicatorVisible: true model: SortFilterProxyModel{ id: proxyModel source: resultModel sortCaseSensitivity: Qt.CaseInsensitive filterCaseSensitivity: Qt.CaseInsensitive dynamicSortFilter: true sortRole: table.getColumn(table.sortIndicatorColumn).role filterRole: table.getColumn(table.sortIndicatorColumn).role filterSyntax: SortFilterProxyModel.RegExp sortOrder: table.sortIndicatorOrder filterString: "" sortColumn: table.sortIndicatorColumn TableViewColumn { id: time title: "Time" role: "time" movable: true resizable: true width: table.viewport.width/9 } TableViewColumn { id: network title: "Network" role: "network" movable: true resizable: true width: table.viewport.width/7 } }