Qimage, Entry point error, missing DLL's
I’m writing a program in visual studio 2017 that uses the QImage library. I created my project with the qt add-in (qt version installed 5.10.0/msvc2017_64) as I was hoping to avoid any missing Qt libraries. My program compiles without error but when I try to run the program I get the following message: ??4QImage@@QEAAAEAV0@$$QEAV0@Z was not found in dll-library.
I have tried reinstalling qt and the qt add-in as well as creating my project from scratch to be sure everything was installed correctly but I still get the same error message.
So, why is the qimage.dll missing and how do I include it?
Below I have also compiled the .pro file so you can see what I include:----------------------------------------------------
This file is generated by the Qt Visual Studio Tools.
TARGET = QtConsoleApplication3
DESTDIR = ../windows/x64/Release
QT += core widgets gui quickwidgets
CONFIG += release console
INCLUDEPATH += ../../hidapi
MOC_DIR += ./GeneratedFiles/release
OBJECTS_DIR += release
UI_DIR += ./GeneratedFiles
RCC_DIR += ./GeneratedFiles
include(QtConsoleApplication3.pri) -
class is contained in QtGui module/dllWhat are the contents of QtConsoleApplication3.pri?
Also why do you added those defines?!
The contents of .pri are:----------------------------------------------------
This file is generated by the Qt Visual Studio Tools.
This is a reminder that you are using a generated .pro file.
Remove it when you are finished editing this file.
message("You are running qmake on a generated .pro file. This may not work!")
SOURCES += ./main.cpp
./upload.cppAs to why I added those defines QT_DLL etc, they were automatically added when making the project with the qt-addin
do you mean you get the error when you try to launch the application manually?
Means that you probably have forgotten to deploy some Qt dlls. -
I get the error when I try to start the generated .exeHow do deploy the missing qt dlls? Build qt statically?
easiest would be to let the windeployqt tool do most of the stuff. -
Using windeployqt fixed my issue, thank you very much! :)