Custom progress bar [ Involves both horizontal and vertical movement]
Hi All,
I have been working to bring a new design progress bar for my project . I have a sketch in my hand but am finding it difficult to implement. Please provide any input for how to proceed!
I have attached a rough image on how I want the progress to be shown : progress bar design
I have limited knowledge in qml and I am asking in the light of a previous project I have done which was a volume bar in which the progress was shown by adjusting the height of an image and using number animation to make it smooth.
I used an Item class for a window inside which I placed an image and changed it height according to the input value. But such a possibility exists only for a vertical or horizontal progress . If I try to attempt it in this case, the revealing comes out like this:
If such a design is to be implemented using qml, what could be the approaches I could follow? Is there a way in which I can reveal a complete image in parts like I had explained before for the volume bar or should I use the Qpainter() ?
If you want to do that in QML, look at the new Shape module in Qt 5.10, or do it with Canvas.
@hkay hello,
I did this simple exemple (QML/JS),i hope It can give you ideas.
import QtQuick 2.0 Item { property int val:1 property int maxValue:50 property int minValue:0 Timer{// test timer interval: 200 running: true repeat: running property bool up: true onTriggered: { if(up&&val<maxValue){ val++ if(val===maxValue){ up=false } }else{ val-- if(val==minValue) up = true } } } function colorVal(val, ind) // instead of returning colors you can return image path like "images/01.png" { if(val === 0) return "gray" var temp = maxValue-3 if(ind <= temp) { if(ind < temp - 3 )return "green" else return "orange" } else return "red" } function widthVal(val, ind) { if(val === 0) return 35 var temp = maxValue - 3 if(ind <= temp) { if(ind < temp-3 )return 35 else return 75 } else return 155 } Column{ //anchors.fill: parent spacing: 1 Repeater{ model : val anchors.right: parent.right Rectangle{ // here you can put an Image instead of Rectangle, and set 'source : function imgageVal(val, ind) ' height: color=="red" ? 3 : 5 width: widthVal(val,index) color: colorVal(val,index) x:index } } } }