Achieving stable 60 fps framerate, QML combined with custom QQuickFrameBufferObject OpenGL Renderer
Hello, I'm developing an interactive, realtime running OpenGL application that needs to be rendered 60 fps. The basic structure I'm using is based on this project:
Which means, I'm using QT Quick 2 combined with a custom QQuickFramebufferObject class combined with a QQuickFramebufferObject::Renderer doing the OpenGL rendering.
This is what my main QML currently looks like:
import QtQuick 2.9 import QtQuick.Controls 2.2 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3 import OmniGeometry 1.0 import "." Rectangle { id: main_window visible: true focus: true width: 1243 height: 700 // This renders the whole scene. // Contains also the object properties that we are drawing // In reality though we should probably have some kind of object property separate from this ? // As we want to set properties intelligently ? // Or, we could have a Controller class that handles all the setting of the parameters // Let's just implement like a Controller { id: og_controller x: 0 y: 0 width: parent.width height: parent.height // For testing purposes this is now the model matrix // For the object we are rendering transform: [ Rotation { origin.x: 0 origin.y: 0 axis { x: 0; y: 0; z: 1 } angle: 0 }, Scale { id: og_controller_scale origin.x: 0 origin.y: 0 xScale: 1.0 yScale: 1.0 }, Translate { x: 0.0 y: 0.0 } ] } }
So, it's very simple now, I'm still trying to figure out how to get stable 60 FPS rendering for this Controller class. I am registering the Controller in my main.cpp and also setting up the OpenGL context like this:
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_EnableHighDpiScaling); QGuiApplication app(argc, argv); QSurfaceFormat format; format.setDepthBufferSize(24); format.setStencilBufferSize(8); format.setSamples(8); // Request OpenGL 3.3 core or OpenGL ES 3.1 if (QOpenGLContext::openGLModuleType() == QOpenGLContext::LibGL) { qDebug("Requesting 3.3 core context"); format.setVersion(3, 3); format.setProfile(QSurfaceFormat::CoreProfile); } else { qDebug("Requesting 3.2 context"); format.setVersion(3, 2); } qmlRegisterType<Controller>("OmniGeometry", 1, 0, "Controller"); QQuickView view; view.setFormat(format); view.setSource(QUrl("qrc:///main.qml"));; // Set so that cannot be resized QObject *root = view.rootObject(); QSize size = {root->property("width").toInt(), root->property("height").toInt()}; view.setMinimumSize(size); view.setMaximumSize(size); psilog(PSILog::MSG, "Application initialized!"); return app.exec(); }
Then in my C++ code, I have the Controller class which is the QQuickFramebufferObject, and also handles the creation of all render objects and synchronizing the state to the QQuickFramebufferObject::Renderer class that is also created from the Controller.
I need to render stuff all the time at 60 FPS, as I have animations and other stuff that require the update() method to be called. Basically it's a realtime OpenGL scene, not based on just user input but having animated elements, like in a game, running all the time, and doing logic.
Currently I just create a QTimer in the Controller constructor method like this:
_main_timer = new QTimer(); if (_main_timer != nullptr) { _main_timer->setInterval((1.0f / 60.0f) * 1000.0f); connect(_main_timer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &Controller::update); _main_timer->start(); }
This then calls the update() method which does this:
void Controller::update() { QQuickItem::update(); static float last_elapsed_time; last_elapsed_time = _ctx.elapsed_time; _ctx.elapsed_time = (GLfloat)_elapsed_timer->elapsed(); qDebug() << "elapsed_time = " << _ctx.elapsed_time << " time_diff " << (_ctx.elapsed_time - last_elapsed_time); }
So basically how I understand this runs the event loop for the Controller. I have some code there to measure the elapsed times between calls, and they range wildly, sometimes the code runs at perfect 60 fps (mainly after starting up for a while) but quickly the rendering can get out of sync, and falls out of perfect smoothness.
Here's an example of the times when I run for some time:
elapsed_time = 9944 time_diff 15 elapsed_time = 9961 time_diff 17 elapsed_time = 9978 time_diff 17 elapsed_time = 9994 time_diff 16 elapsed_time = 10011 time_diff 17 elapsed_time = 10027 time_diff 16 elapsed_time = 10044 time_diff 17 elapsed_time = 10056 time_diff 12 elapsed_time = 10077 time_diff 21 elapsed_time = 10090 time_diff 13 elapsed_time = 10104 time_diff 14 elapsed_time = 10121 time_diff 17 elapsed_time = 10137 time_diff 16 elapsed_time = 10153 time_diff 16 elapsed_time = 10170 time_diff 17 elapsed_time = 10185 time_diff 15 elapsed_time = 10201 time_diff 16 elapsed_time = 10217 time_diff 16 elapsed_time = 10237 time_diff 20 elapsed_time = 10250 time_diff 13 elapsed_time = 10270 time_diff 20 elapsed_time = 10280 time_diff 10 elapsed_time = 10304 time_diff 24 elapsed_time = 10314 time_diff 10 elapsed_time = 10337 time_diff 23 elapsed_time = 10345 time_diff 8 elapsed_time = 10371 time_diff 26 elapsed_time = 10379 time_diff 8 elapsed_time = 10403 time_diff 24 elapsed_time = 10412 time_diff 9 elapsed_time = 10438 time_diff 26 elapsed_time = 10440 time_diff 2 elapsed_time = 10457 time_diff 17 elapsed_time = 10473 time_diff 16 elapsed_time = 10488 time_diff 15 elapsed_time = 10505 time_diff 17 elapsed_time = 10521 time_diff 16 elapsed_time = 10538 time_diff 17 elapsed_time = 10554 time_diff 16 elapsed_time = 10571 time_diff 17 elapsed_time = 10585 time_diff 14 elapsed_time = 10604 time_diff 19 elapsed_time = 10617 time_diff 13 elapsed_time = 10638 time_diff 21 elapsed_time = 10649 time_diff 11 elapsed_time = 10671 time_diff 22 elapsed_time = 10681 time_diff 10 elapsed_time = 10705 time_diff 24 elapsed_time = 10712 time_diff 7 elapsed_time = 10738 time_diff 26 elapsed_time = 10746 time_diff 8 elapsed_time = 10772 time_diff 26 elapsed_time = 10780 time_diff 8 elapsed_time = 10805 time_diff 25 elapsed_time = 10813 time_diff 8 elapsed_time = 10838 time_diff 25 elapsed_time = 10841 time_diff 3
So what happens here I guess is that the frame updating is going out of sync, although the timer is firing at constantly 16.667 milliseconds, at 60 fps. So I'm guessing this is causing the frame lag.
My Renderer is basically just synchronizing the state between the Controller and doing custom OpenGL, very simple scene for now still, so that shouldn't be the problem.
Any idea how I could ensure that I call update() so that it is synchronized to the vsync, or make it perfectly stable ? I've also tried to put the timer in the main.qml and set the callback there for Controller::update(), but it makes no difference.
I tried also to remove the constant timer updates, instead of calling my Controller::update() from the render objects when the animated properties are set, and still the framerate is not smooth. So, is my main object event loop being called out of sync, or any idea what is causing this ?
Running on macOS 10.13.2.
Also here is my Renderer main render method:
void OgRenderer::render() { //qDebug() << "render()"; renderCtx ctx = get_render_ctx(); STACK_PUSH(ctx.projection);, 0.0f, -1.0f); begin_render(ctx); render_layer(, ctx); render_layer(, ctx); render_layer(, ctx); end_render(ctx); STACK_POP(ctx.projection); ctx.elapsed_frames++; _window->resetOpenGLState(); }
So it's very basic now, begin_render() just setups the OpenGL rendering (clear, setup blending if needed etc) and end_render() is the opposite to that. I'm rendering with a modern OpenGL stack, so the rendering shouldn't be the problem, unless I need to call something to make sure the rendering is updated.
Okay, seems if I add an NumberAnimation to my main qml that is running and affecting a visual element, the QQuickFrameBufferobject is also being rendered correctly. So I'm suspecting the main QT SceneGraph is not updating the event loop if there is no animation running. Is there a way to force updating the scene graph or event loop ?
I'm planning to add QML objects on top of the OpenGL scene to control the rendering, so maybe I don't want to do that. What I would like to do is run 60 fps, vsync synchronized updating just for the Controller class instance.
EDIT: Maybe I have to re-think my approach, maybe I could do it more event based and call update() for each element that needs to be updated in my scene. Would still like to understand how to "force" the main event loop to be updated without having to control some dummy visual element.
Okay, a kind soul on the #qt channel on freenode helped me, the solution was to also call the window update() method along with QQuickItem::update(). So basically just calling _window->update() (window I stored from windowChanged() signal) in my Controller::update() method did the trick.
I setup again a timer running at 60 fps and calling the Controller::update() method, this does the trick. According to the documentation ""Calling QQuickWindow::update() differs from QQuickItem::update() in that it always triggers a repaint, regardless of changes in the underlying scene graph or not.""