How to get itunes app new music in a text file using QT
the question may not related to QT library so much but I want a help from the experience of community here if anyone tried this before.
when I open Itunes app on windows and go to store then music I choose music type like All Genres, Classic and so on then I can see all the new music in the store so I want to get this data i tried to get like an url that preview the same content on apple website but I did not found it at all to get this data like I want so if any one can give me a link it can be easy to scrape using QNetworkAcessManager
what I tried too is to go to itunes media folder which contains 2 database with itdp extension can't be opend using sqlite database reader or something like that so how can I scrape this data from a desktop here a screenshot from itunes
Thanks in advance -
Instead of scraping unknown formats and hacking around why not go through the official api? Seems a lot more productive and you get clean, documented data in json format.
Alternatively you can get a customized rss feed url with new releases via this page.