TableView model proxy problem
I have a program that uses several tables and I highlight certain cells in the tableView. I have a proxyModel to make this happen. I use almost identical code for several different tables but on one tableView it isn't showing correctly. The first thing I notice is that the table is shown in reverse order. In other words, the table shows the last item from the database first. All the other tableViews I use, show the data in a first to last order. The other problem is that the correct data is not highlighted. If the table was in the correct order, the correct cell would be highlighted. I think my problem might be with a mapToSource issue but I don't know what index to use?? (I am a Newbie to Qt and trying to learn) I do not know why the table is shown in reverse order? Also, what events trigger the setData() function?
Here is the code I have for the proxy model:
#define MYPROXYMODEL_H#include <QSortFilterProxyModel>
class MyProxyModel : public QSortFilterProxyModel
MyProxyModel(QObject* parent);
QVariant data ( const QModelIndex & index, int role )const;private:
int m_lowScore;
int m_highScore;
int m_lowReactRow;
int m_fastReactRow;MyProxyModel* proxy;
private slots:
void getRows (int, int, int, int);};
@#include "myproxymodel.h"MyProxyModel::MyProxyModel (QObject *parent) :
QVariant MyProxyModel::data ( const QModelIndex & index, int role ) const
QModelIndex sourceIndex = mapToSource(index);if (!sourceIndex.isValid())
return QVariant();
if (m_slowReactRow<0)
if ( sourceIndex.row() == m_highScore && sourceIndex.column()== 2 && role == Qt::BackgroundRole )
return QVariant( Qt::yellow );
else if ( sourceIndex.row() == m_lowScore && sourceIndex.column()== 2 && role == Qt::BackgroundRole )
return QVariant( Qt::red );
}else { return QSortFilterProxyModel::data( index, role ); }
if ( sourceIndex.row() == m_highScore && sourceIndex.column()== 2 && role == Qt::BackgroundRole )
return QVariant( Qt::yellow );
else if ( sourceIndex.row() == m_lowScore && sourceIndex.column()== 2 && role == Qt::BackgroundRole )
return QVariant( Qt::red );
else if (sourceIndex.row()== m_fastReactRow && sourceIndex.column()==3 && role == Qt::BackgroundRole)
return QVariant( Qt::yellow );
else if ( sourceIndex.row() == m_slowReactRow && sourceIndex.column()== 3 && role == Qt::BackgroundRole )
return QVariant( Qt::red );
return QSortFilterProxyModel::data( index, role );
void MyProxyModel::getRows( int rowLow,int rowHigh, int rowSlowReact, int rowFastReact)
m_slowReactRow= rowSlowReact;
m_fastReactRow= rowFastReact;
}@This is the table creation code for one of the tableViews that show correctly:
@void TestClass::createTimerTable() // this is called in the constructor of the form
testModel= new QSqlRelationalTableModel(this);
testModel->setRelation(2,QSqlRelation("student","id", "LName"));
testModel->setRelation(3,QSqlRelation("testNum", "id","Test"));
testModel->select();proxy = new MyProxyModel (this); proxy->setSourceModel(testModel); ui->tableView->setModel(proxy); connect(this,SIGNAL(sendRows(int, int, int, int)), proxy, SLOT(getRows(int, int, int, int))); //set up tableview ui->tableView->setItemDelegate(new QSqlRelationalDelegate(this)); ui->tableView->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection); ui->tableView->setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView::SelectRows); ui->tableView->setColumnHidden(0,true); // id ui->tableView->resizeColumnsToContents(); ui->tableView->horizontalHeader()->setStretchLastSection(true);
void TestClass::setTable(QString desc) //This is called in the constructor after createTimerTable
void TestClass::updateTimeStats()
float totScore=0;
float totReactTime=0;
float lowScore=FLT_MAX;
int rowLowScore=0;
int rowHighScore =0;
int rowSlowReact =0;
int rowFastReact =0;
float slowReactTime =FLT_MIN;
float highScore=FLT_MIN;
float fastReactTime=FLT_MAX;
float currentScore=0;
float currentReactTime =0;
QString string;
int totRows=proxy->rowCount();
if (totRows >0)
for (int r=0; r<totRows; r++)
currentReactTime=proxy->index(r,3).data(Qt::DisplayRole).toFloat();if (currentScore < lowScore) { lowScore=currentScore; rowLowScore=r; } if (currentScore > highScore) { highScore=currentScore; rowHighScore =r; } if (currentReactTime > slowReactTime) { slowReactTime=currentReactTime; rowSlowReact =r; } if (currentReactTime<fastReactTime) { fastReactTime=currentReactTime; rowFastReact =r; } totTime+=currentTime; totReactTime+=currentReactTime; } startModel->select();
//continued next post -
Here is the code for the tableView that is in reverse order and not highlighted correctly:
@void DlgPrint::createReportTable(QStringList stringList) //strinLlist is used elsewhere
{printModel= new QSqlRelationalTableModel (this); printModel-> setEditStrategy(QSqlTableModel::OnManualSubmit); printModel-> setTable (mTableName); //string identified through assessor function printModel-> setRelation (2, QSqlRelation("student", "id", "LName")); printModel-> setRelation (3, QSqlRelation("testNum", "id", "Test")); printModel->setFilter(mFilterString); printModel->select(); proxy = new MyProxyModel(this); proxy->setSourceModel(printModel); ui->printView->setModel(proxy); connect(this,SIGNAL(sendRows(int, int, int, int)), proxy, SLOT(getRows(int, int, int, int))); ui->printView->setItemDelegate(new QSqlRelationalDelegate(this)); ui->printView->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection); ui->printView->setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView::SelectRows); ui->printView->setColumnHidden(0,true);//id ui->printView->resizeColumnsToContents(); printModel->setHeaderData (2, Qt::Horizontal, "Score"); ui->printView->setSortingEnabled(true); ui->printView->resizeColumnsToContents () ; ui->printView->horizontalHeader()->setStretchLastSection(true); highlightCells(); printModel->select();
void DlgPrint::highlightCells()
float highScore= FLT_MIN;
float lowScore= FLT_MAX;
float fastReactionTime=FLT_MAX;
float slowReactionTime=FLT_MIN;
int rowHigh=0;
int rowLow=0;
int rowFastReact=0;
int rowSlowReact=0;
float totalTime =0;
float totalReactTime=0;
float averageScore =0;
float averageReact=0;
int totalRows = 0;
float currentScore;
float currentReactTime;
QString string;int numRows =proxy->rowCount();
for (int r=0; r<numRows; r++ )
{currentscore = proxy->index(r,2).data(Qt::DisplayRole).toFloat();
currentReactTime = proxy->index(r,3).data(Qt::DisplayRole).toFloat();//something here to mapToSource??
if (currentScore > highScore)
highScore = currentScore;
rowHigh = r;
if (currentScore < lowScore)
lowScore = currentScore;
rowLow = r;
totalScore += currentScore;if (currentReactTime < fastReactionTime) { fastReactionTime = currentReactTime; rowFastReact = r; } if (currentReactTime > slowReactionTime) { slowReactionTime = currentReactTime; rowSlowReact = r; } totalReactTime += currentReactTime; }
if (totalRows !=0)
}emit sendRows (rowSlow, rowFast,rowSlowReact, rowFastReact);
I tried to eliminate the code that was irrelevant to the table creation. Hopefully I didn't forget something. What is wrong here?