[solved] Can't update custom component autoly
Hi all,
I defined a custom component named "Circle" with C++.
I can use it in QML project.
But I found that the Circle can't be updated in the project.
I mean, if I add a new Circle dynamically, the Circle which is added will not show until I switch windows.
Here are my codes:Circle.h:
@#ifndef CIRCLE_H
#define CIRCLE_H#include <QDeclarativeItem>
class Circle : public QDeclarativeItem
Q_PROPERTY(int radius READ radius WRITE setRadius)
Q_PROPERTY(QColor color READ color WRITE setColor)
explicit Circle(QDeclarativeItem *parent = 0);
void paint(QPainter *, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *, QWidget *);
int radius() const;
void setRadius(int);
QColor color() const;
void setColor(QColor);private:
int m_radius;
QColor m_color;
};#endif // CIRCLE_H
@#include "circle.h"
#include <QPainter>Circle::Circle(QDeclarativeItem *parent) :
m_radius(50), m_color(Qt::white)
setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemHasNoContents, false);
}void Circle::paint(QPainter *p, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *, QWidget *)
int originX = m_radius;
int originY = m_radius;
QRadialGradient g(originX, originY, m_radius, originX, originY);
g.setColorAt(0, m_color);
g.setColorAt(1, m_color);
p->drawEllipse(QPoint(originX, originY), m_radius, m_radius);
qDebug() << "originX" << originX << "originY" << originY;
qDebug() << "width" << p->device()->width() << "height" << p->device()->height();
}int Circle::radius() const
return m_radius;
}void Circle::setRadius(int _radius)
m_radius = _radius;
}QColor Circle::color() const
return m_color;
}void Circle::setColor(QColor _color)
m_color = _color;
@import QtQuick 1.0
import Circle 1.0Circle {
id: root
property bool isCurCircle: truesignal correctClicked signal incorrectClicked MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { if (isCurCircle) { isCurCircle = false; parent.parent.correctCircleClicked(); } else { parent.parent.incorrectCircleClicked(); } } }
@import QtQuick 1.0
import "./data.js" as Datas
import Circle 1.0Rectangle {
id: root
width: 500
height: 500
color: "black"MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { addCircle(); } } function addCircle() { var component = Qt.createComponent('Circle.qml'); if (Component.Ready == component.status) { initCircle(component.createObject(root)); } } function initCircle(_circle) { _circle.x = getRandom(10, 90) * 5; _circle.y = getRandom(10, 90) * 5; _circle.radius = getRandom(1, 10) * 5; var random = getRandom(0, 5); switch (getRandom(0, 5)) { case 0: _circle.color = "red"; break; case 1: _circle.color = "yellow"; break; case 2: _circle.color = "blue"; break; case 3: _circle.color = "green"; break; case 4: _circle.color = "white"; break; case 5: _circle.color = "pink"; break; } } function getRandom(_min, _max) { return Math.round(Math.random()*(_max-_min)+_min); } function correctCircleClicked() { console.log("correct Clicked"); addCircle(); } function incorrectCircleClicked() { console.log("incorrect Clicked"); addCircle(); } Component.onCompleted: { addCircle(); }
@BTW, I can't use MouseArea in Circle. I don't know why.
It doesn't look like your item is being given a geometry, which is probably what is causing the problems. Things to look at:
- Have the setRadius function set the width/height of the item (using setImplicitWidth/setImplicitHeight)
- You may also want to reimplement the virtual boundingRect function, if your paint area and size are not always identical.
- You should generally call update() when your item needs to be redrawn (i.e. it would make sense to call it in your setter functions, as changing the radius or color should cause the item to be redrawn).
Hope that helps.
Michael -
Yes, you're right.
Following your suggestions, the problem have been resolved.
Width/height must be set in the component.
Thanks, Michael.
[quote author="mbrasser" date="1313368200"]Hi,It doesn't look like your item is being given a geometry, which is probably what is causing the problems. Things to look at:
- Have the setRadius function set the width/height of the item (using setImplicitWidth/setImplicitHeight)
- You may also want to reimplement the virtual boundingRect function, if your paint area and size are not always identical.
- You should generally call update() when your item needs to be redrawn (i.e. it would make sense to call it in your setter functions, as changing the radius or color should cause the item to be redrawn).
Hope that helps.