Book example build failed for Qt 4.7.3
I have download the code for book "Advanced Qt Programming" written by Mark Summerfield.
I use QtCreator 2.2.1 to open the .pro and try to build it using VC 2008 (Qt SDK 1.1.2) and got build error:
@'cos': is not a member of 'std'@
in file "datetimedelegate.cpp":
const qreal x = length * cos(angle);
const qreal y = length * sin(angle);
const qreal x = length * std::cos(angle);
const qreal y = length * std::sin(angle);
Why? I have checked the project property and it said it is:
Qt 4.7.3 for Desktop - MSVC2008(Qt SDK) -
You might want to include "QtCore/qmath.h": and use qSin() and qCos() instead:
#include <QtCore/qmath.h>const qreal x = length * qSin(angle);
const qreal y = length * qCos(angle);
@ -
I did succesfully use the pagedesigner2 project. Which project are you interested in? I can give that a try.
I'm using Qt Creator 2.2.1 also but based on Qt 4.7.4 (32 bit)
i can build for 4.7.3 and also 4.8.(project settings)I think your problem is probably with msvc2008 and path settings. But I'm using mingw so i can't be of much assistance in your case.
several projects like:
petridish2Yes, It comes from:
it looks like MSVC_COMPILER is not defined.and using MinGW build OK.
I fixed it by add:
#include <cmath>
to all files contain "MSVC_COMPILER"
BUT, still, I can not build the project "textedit" by using VC 2008