Where are you going Qt ?
Sorry to relaunch this thread ... but my company invest a lot of time to develop software with Qt and I don't understand where is it going ...
Symbian is quite dead : 2016 .... But today Nokia announce that it will be 100 % windows Phone in USA (no N9, no more Symbian, no more S40 ) ...
N9 is not available in many countries : USA, France ,....
Commercial support is done by another company ....
Richard Green is no more at nokia
it seems that some important Qt trolls are moving to Intel
In the meantime, I see good news about Qt Android, Qt Ios (it seems Android and ios Qt support is more a commercial and political trouble than technicall) .... Qt5 seems to be very good ....
in the news : http://blog.qt.nokia.com/2011/06/21/qt’s-future-for-nokia-bringing-apps-to-the-next-billion/
there is a talk of next billion phone, N9 !! and what we see ... Nokia don't wants to sell the N9, forgot USA market ,... and I am afraid it's just a start ....Why can we trust in Qt future ?
Are you only concerned with Qt's future on phones? You ask "Why can we trust in Qt future?". Have you considered that Qt's future is not tied to one type of device/plaform, nor to just company? Qt's future is the hands of the Qt community at large, all the stakeholders: Nokia, Digia, KDE, many others..., developers on Windows, Linux, MacOs, Android, iOS, any platform worth porting to...
Although, I am also personally disappointed that the N9 will not be widely available. I still believe in Qt's future.
To paraphrase John F. Kennedy, "Ask not what your Qt can do for you, ask what you can do for your Qt."
To those who did not see it yet, there is another similar thread opened "here":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/forums/viewthread/8488/
And from the oher thread.
bq. Lukas Geyer wrote:
There are no reasons for worries.
There was Qt before Nokia and there will be Qt long after Nokia has gone.
Qt is open source and open governance – who will stop us? :-)