Playing a Video file(.wmv) in the entire dialog window
I want to play the video file in my dialog window. I used the following codes in my program and its playing on left corner of my dialog window with the size of 32*32 , but i want to play the video on my entire Dialog window.
@ //TestDlg.h
#include <QDialog>namespace Ui {
class TestDlg;
}class TestDlg : public QDialog
explicit TestDlg(QWidget *parent = 0);
~TestDlg();Phonon::MediaObject *obj_MediaObject; Phonon::VideoWidget *wid_videoWidget; Phonon::AudioOutput *aio_audioOutput;
Ui::TestDlg *ui;
TestDlg::TestDlg(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::TestDlg)
ui->setupUi(this);// setup the objects: obj_MediaObject = new Phonon::MediaObject(this); wid_videoWidget = new Phonon::VideoWidget(this); aio_audioOutput = new Phonon::AudioOutput(Phonon::VideoCategory,this); //clear the mediaobject: obj_MediaObject->clearQueue(); //Put a video in the queue: obj_MediaObject->enqueue(Phonon::MediaSource("C:\\Wildlife.wmv")); //make the proper connections: Phonon::createPath(obj_MediaObject, wid_videoWidget); // to link the mediaobject with the video widget. Phonon::createPath(obj_MediaObject, aio_audioOutput); // to link the mediaobject with audio output.
//play the video: