[Moved] configure prefix
I want to compile "flightgear":http://wiki.flightgear.org/Building_FlightGear_-_Linux but having the simgear dependency not at default location:./configure --prefix=/path/to/fgInstallation --with-osg=/path/to/osg/installation --enable-osgviewer
Where would i put the above command line in qtcreator settings?
Many thanks
Michael -
yes, go into Projects->Build steps->qmake [details]
There is an input field 'Additional arguments' - pu 'em there.
All that assuming that flightgear is a Qt project.
only make but says unrecognized option --prefix. doesn't this belong in qtcreator below make?
./configure --prefix=/media/DATA/FGFS/install/fgfs/ --exec-prefix=/media/DATA/FGFS/install/fgfs/ --with-osg=/media/DATA/FGFS/install/OpenSceneGraph --with-simgear=/media/DATA/FGFS/install/simgear --with-plib=/media/DATA/FGFS/install/plib
Michael -
I would personally not put the command into the Qt Creator settings at all: You do not want to keep re-running this for each and every build!
So just run it once from a terminal and then only add the "make" step to Qt Creator. That should work fine.