AnimatedSprite behaves in wrong way, If we start another animation onCurrentFrameChanged
QML and Qt Quick
I want to start another animation onCurrentFrameChaged() of AnimatedSprite and my AnimatedSprite has total frame count as 130, So I am starting another number animation, When currenFrame is 100, and that animation stops after AnimatedSprite, but when the second animation stopped AnimatedSprite area shows wrong frame on screen.
onCurrentFrameChanged: { console.log("current frame Changed : current frame", sprite.currentFrame) //frameChanged() if (sprite.currentFrame === 100) { idLeftDrawer.leftDrawer.animStart() idRightDrawer.rightDrawer.animStart() } if (sprite.currentFrame === 120) { idHeaderRect.headerRect.animStart() //idHomeScreenGrid.homeGridRect.animStart() idHomeScreenGrid.homeGridRect.animStart() } }
[Added code tags ~kshegunov]
[Moved to QML and Qt Quick ~kshegunov]