QMake crashed while execute libGLESv2.pro
I am trying to build angle from the source of qtbase, and when am trying to execute this line:
>qmake.exe C:\User\Downloads\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.8.0\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.8.0\qtbase\src\angle\src\libGLESv2\ libGLESv2.pro
I get next error:Project MESSAGE: Enabling D3D11 mode for ANGLE ASSERT: "!isEmpty()" in file path/to/file/src/corelib/tools/qvector.h, line 235
and after that qmake is crashing.
Do I need some external library to make this command works?
Did I miss something?Thanks in advance for any help.
Update: My system is - Windows Server 2016 Standart, Qt Version 5.8.0
QMake version 3.1 Using Qt version 5.8.0
Have you run configure before attempting to build Angle?
Yes, I did. I have run it with next parameters:
configure -silent -platform win32-msvc2015 -static -no-incredibuild-xge -no-dbus -no-sql-sqlite -nomake examples -angle -nomake tools -confirm-license -no-qmltools -no-harfbuzz
In config.log I can see a banch of errors, but nothing special thought.
With key-no-angle -opengl desktop
everything works as expected.
Also there is static build, not sure if that important.
Another thing, that I do not include everything from Qt library, since the politics of project, but I definitely have qtbase/src/angle and qtbase/src/3rdparty/angle directories up to date with qt 5.8.0. Do I need to some more library to make possible to build angle like a part of Qt? Or probably I could somewhere get this info(in some log file, don't find any helpful info), I mean about missing library or probably info why qmake is crashed?
Thanks -
I think since Qt 5.7 the default option is -opengl dynamic, which chooses backend automatically at runtime. Not sure (I rarely use Windows), maybe the -angle build has not been checked for 5.8.0 release and it has a bug. It's especially plausible since you also build in static mode.
Anyway, I'm just guessing. Try the same on Qt 5.9.1 maybe? Also, check the configure output - what it says about OpenGL option chosen (maybe it will tell you that there is some flag "conflict").
@sierdzio Thanks for your reply.
I couldn't update qt to newest version due to lot of works on project, so fix with 5.9.1 unfortunately is not fit for me.
According to crash, I found the reason there is no Makefile inQt\qtbase\src\angle\src\libGLESv2
(it wasn't obvious for me, that crash occurred due to missing this file). I just wondering if I miss somewhere the instruction for nmake.exe to generate this makefile?In
in parent directory forQt\qtbase\src\angle\src
I see nextTEMPLATE = subdirs SUBDIRS += compiler libGLESv2 libEGL CONFIG += ordered
Makefile is generated for
directory, but inlibGLESv2 libEGL
makefiles are missing, probably that could explain what I am missing....