I have written a qml application . It used a control named Image . i want to show a jpeg picture . it caused a warning information like this .
QML Image : Error decoding : Unsupported image format .
Can you tell me . how can i add the jpeg plugins .
vage question, vage answer:
make sure the image plugins are deployed along with your application -
whay is so vage here ? -
because it neither mentions the running operating system nor the deployment type nor the Qt version, etc.
This can only lead to a very generic answer. -
@raven-worx said in JPEG PLUGINS:
I have deployed along with my application . I want to know how to import into my qml application . such as :
how to modify the pro file of application ? (QTPLUGIN +=?)
how to modify the environment variable ?(export QT_PLUGINS_PATH) -
@raven-worx My Application Running On Qt_5.8 . Arm platform. The Application used qml .
i assume a Linux system? If so see this for example.Basically it's possible with no modifications at all, you just need to deploy the image plugins (like the platform plugin for example, which you obviously already did in order to run your application) into the correct folder.
You can influence the search paths for plugins though. But basically you do not need to change your build process (.pro file), since the plugins are searched and loaded dynamically at runtime.
@raven-worx Thanks