Custom rendering and camera handling in QT Data Visualization
General and Desktop
Hello everybody,
I wrote a small point cloud viewer using the Q3DScatter class and friends, and now would like to extend it with some custom functionality. Although, I read the data vis documentation I am a bit clueless about how to approach the following:
- Is it possible to mix several graph types in the same view/window? E.g. a scatter point cloud with an integrated surface graph?
- Is there a way to generate and add custom mesh geometry to the graph without having to write a .obj file to disk first (and then loading it again). Q3DCustomItem is very restricted.
2b) What is a recommended approach to perform custom rendering into the graph with bare OpenGL commands? It seems this is not encouraged/supported at all by the data vis classes - How would one implement line-based curve graphs?
- The q3dcamera model seems very restricted. There is the possibility to use a custom input handler, but how is it possible to implement panning (translation) of the camera view?
I know these are a lot of questions, any advice would be highly appreciated.