Qt Creator : Failed build after update to xcode 9 GM
Today, I installed xcode 9 GM seed. But Qt project build failed.
First error message... not found Mac sdk path
So, I modify a code of 'Qt5.9.1/5.9.1/clang_64/mkspecs/features/mac/sdk.prf file.
QMAKE_MAC_SDK_PATH = $$ system ( "xcodebuild -version -sdk | grep '^ Path * MacOSX'| cut -d ''-f 2")
After the change, the following error appears when building.
warning: no such sysroot directory: '-mmacosx-version-min=10.10' [-Wmissing-sysroot] /Users/kakao/Qt5.9.1/5.9.1/clang_64/lib/QtCore.framework/Headers/qsystemdetection.h:95: error: 'TargetConditionals.h' file not found include <TargetConditionals.h> ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
.... What should i am? ㅠ_ㅠ
Hi i am sure if you install the MacOSX-SDKs
from your version the problem is solved
https://github.com/phracker/MacOSX-SDKs/releasesCarbonHeaders TargetConditionals.h
Thank you for kind your answer. : )
I downloaded MacOSX10.12.sdk.
unzip file...
but how to install the sdk? ㅠ_ㅠIt's installed means that the 10.12.sdk folder copy to '/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs' path?
How to install the sdk? ...
macOS Sierra?
is the Sierra not to slow? i wait to update wen become more stable point...
sdk is only copy at the right place inside Xcode or like https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34876144/where-to-download-an-slightly-older-ios-sdk -