Independence MouseArea.
How to make one MouseArea (code is here - independent of the other MouseAreas ? I dont keep in focus at the same time two my MouseArea now, i want fix this.
I need for you help!
Thanks! -
Question is confusing. What is the behaviour you are looking for ? Can you add more details ? What you want to fix ? I ran your program. It shows the two rounded rectangle & there is one round button inside the rounded rectangle. Beyond this what that you are expecting ? Please add more details.
@dheerendra is custom joysticks. I want to control joysticks with two fingers at the same time.
With mouseArea it is not possible. Mouse is singleTouch device. You need to use the MultiTouchArea for this to work.
@dheerendra said in Independence MouseArea.:
I know, i deploy my application on android device.
@dheerendra MultiPointTouchArea don't have drag&drop.
do u want to do drag & drop one area to another at some time using two fingers ? Not clear about the drag-drop with multi touch request.
@dheerendra I can not synchronously control two joysticks. Do you understand me?
@TheGringerEye You cannot use 2 mouse areas it wont work. The way to got is to use MultiPointTouchArea and TouchPoint. MultiPointTouchArea doesnt have the drag option so you will have to mimic yourself. Here's a hacky implementation that you can adapt to your use case:
property bool point1IsJoystick1: false property bool point1IsJoystick2: false property bool point2IsJoystick1: false property bool point2IsJoystick2: false MultiPointTouchArea { anchors.fill: parent touchPoints: [ TouchPoint { id: point1 onPressedChanged: { if (pressed) { //console.log("startX: "+startX) if (joyStick1Pressed(startX, startY)) { point1IsJoystick1 = true } if (joyStick2Pressed(startX, startY)) { point1IsJoystick2 = true } } else { point1IsJoystick2 = false point1IsJoystick1 = false } } onXChanged: { console.log("startX: "+startX) if (point1IsJoystick1) { joyStick1BtnMove(x, y) } if (point1IsJoystick2) { joyStick2BtnMove(x, y) } } onYChanged: { console.log("startX: "+startX) if (point1IsJoystick1) { joyStick1BtnMove(x, y) } if (point1IsJoystick2) { joyStick2BtnMove(x, y) } } }, TouchPoint { id: point2 onPressedChanged: { if (pressed) { //console.log("startX: "+startX) if (joyStick1Pressed(startX, startY)) { point2IsJoystick1 = true } if (joyStick2Pressed(startX, startY)) { point2IsJoystick2 = true } } else { point2IsJoystick2 = false point2IsJoystick1 = false } } onXChanged: { console.log("startX: "+startX) if (point2IsJoystick1) { joyStick1BtnMove(x, y) } if (point2IsJoystick2) { joyStick2BtnMove(x, y) } } onYChanged: { console.log("startX: "+startX) if (point2IsJoystick1) { joyStick1BtnMove(x, y) } if (point2IsJoystick2) { joyStick2BtnMove(x, y) } } } ] Rectangle { id: joystick1 width: 50 height: 150 color: "gray" radius: 25 x: 150 y: 20 } Rectangle { id: joystick1Btn width: 50 height: 50 radius: 25 color: "blue" x: joystick1.x y: joystick1.y } Rectangle { id: joystick2 width: 150 height: 50 x: 300 y: 200 color: "gray" radius: 25 } Rectangle { id: joystick2Btn width: 50 height: 50 radius: 25 color: "blue" x: joystick2.x y: joystick2.y } }//MultiPointTouchArea function joyStick1Pressed(xx, yy) { if ( xx >= joystick1Btn.x && xx <= joystick1Btn.x+joystick1Btn.width && yy >= joystick1Btn.y && yy <= joystick1Btn.y+joystick1Btn.height) { console.log("click inside joystick1") return true; } else { console.log("click outside joystick1") return false; } } function joyStick1BtnMove(xx, yy) { if (yy > joystick1.y+joystick1.height-joystick1Btn.height) joystick1Btn.y = joystick1.y+joystick1.height-joystick1Btn.height else if(yy < joystick1.y) joystick1Btn.y = joystick1.y else joystick1Btn.y = yy } function joyStick2Pressed(xx, yy) { if ( xx >= joystick2Btn.x && xx <= joystick2Btn.x+joystick2Btn.width && yy >= joystick2Btn.y && yy <= joystick2Btn.y+joystick2Btn.height) { //console.log("click inside joystick2") return true; } else { //console.log("click outside joystick2") return false; } } function joyStick2BtnMove(xx, yy) { if (xx < joystick2.x) joystick2Btn.x = joystick2.x else if(xx > joystick2.x+joystick2.width-joystick2Btn.width) joystick2Btn.x = joystick2.x+joystick2.width-joystick2Btn.width else joystick2Btn.x = xx }
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