Qt cursor not working under vnc viewer
I have a Qt embedded application running on raspberry pi 3. In same system I have installed dispmanx_vncserver to see same screen into another raspberry pi station which has real vnc viewer installed. Now, When I start vnc viewer I am getting two cursors on vnc viewer screen - One is local vnc cursor and another one is Qt cursor(White Arrow). Also, When I touch anywhere on screen the local vnc cursor moves on exact touch point but, Qt cursor keeps distance from touch point not sure what is the issue.
When I touch on top left corner on screen then both cursors got sync and appears on touch point same time. I want to fix this problem without touching the top left corner of screen. Is there any solution exist for this issue then please help me.
Note :- My Qt application running under Eglfs and vnc is running under X11. I am using following display screen http://www.waveshare.com/wiki/10.1inch_HDMI_LCD.
Thank you in advance.
Tushar Kachhadiya
From what I understand you are running both an X server and your application on EGLFS ? So it sounds like you have two different GUI stacks talking to the same hardware at the same time.
Why are you mixing both technologies ?