CSS: dynamic properties and (pseudo) states
General and Desktop
I am looking for a line edit with hover effect and different border sizes for enabeld/ not enabeld.
And the border should change with respect to some dynamic property ( if widget is enabled).
I tried:QLineEdit!enabled {border: 0px} QLineEdit:hover {border: 1px solid blue} QLineEdit[contrast=\"0\"]:enabled {border: 1px solid white} QLineEdit[contrast=\"1\"]:enabled {border: 1px solid gray} QLineEdit[contrast=\"2\"]:enabled {border: 1px solid black}
QLineEdit[contrast=\"0\"]!enabled {border: 0px} QLineEdit[contrast=\"1\"]!enabled {border: 0px} QLineEdit[contrast=\"2\"]!enabled {border: 0px} QLineEdit[contrast=\"0\"]:hover {border: 1px solid blue} QLineEdit[contrast=\"1\"]:hover {border: 1px solid blue} QLineEdit[contrast=\"2\"]:hover {border: 1px solid blue} QLineEdit[contrast=\"0\"]:enabled {border: 1px solid white} QLineEdit[contrast=\"1\"]:enabled {border: 1px solid gray} QLineEdit[contrast=\"2\"]:enabled {border: 1px solid black}
I use unpolish/ polish on changing property.
So at least I get dynamic color with second solution but no hover.
First solution does not work too.How to combine dynamic properties und states?
Thank you!