Show integer value in qtable widget
I am new to QT. i have to display an int value in qtable widget.I tried following code. but it doesnot showing the value in table widget.rgnt.R_id=1;
ui->tableWidget_3->setItem(0,1,new QTableWidgetItem((rgnt.R_id)));here rgnt is a structure object.
can anyone tell how can i show this value in tablewidget??Edit raven-worx: moved topic
ui->tableWidget_3->setItem(0, 1, new QTableWidgetItem(QString::number(rgnt.R_id) ) );
QTableWidgetItem wont take integer as a input so try as @Taz742 has posted. -
Just for a laugh, try filling a column with the numbers from 1 to 100 using your method and then sort the column.
on top of that,
should never be used for things that are shown on the ui. Always useQLocale::toString
with the locale of the widget you are presenting the value to -
@VRonin said in Show integer value in qtable widget:
QString::number and QString::toInt should never be used for things that are shown on the ui.
I apologize for hijacking the thread but what if you have just plain integers and you are sure that values are locale independent?
Yes it works. But review the comments and then make a decision.
I think it's better if you use another method what @VRonin widItem = new QTableWidgetItem; widItem->setData(Qt::EditRole,rgnt.R_id); ui->tableWidget_3->setItem(0,1,widItem);
@VRonin Can not I give it my function?
QTableWidgetItem *dlgGroups::GetNewItem(const QVariant value){ auto c_item = new QTableWidgetItem; c_item->setData(Qt::UserRole, value); return (QTableWidgetItem*) c_item; } Contact *cont = globalall->GetConact(CUID); m_table->insertRow(0); m_table->setItem(0, 0, GetNewItem(InsertQry.lastInsertId().toString())); m_table->setItem(0, 1, GetNewItem(cont->UID)); m_table->setItem(0, 2, GetNewItem(Qt::Unchecked)); // ? m_table->setItem(0, 3, GetNewItem(cont->Name + " " + cont->FamilyName)); m_table->setItem(0, 4, GetNewItem(cont->Mobile)); m_table->setItem(0, 5, GetNewItem(cont->Type ? cont->Identification : cont->PersonID));
- you still did not set the flag
- you are saving everything in
which is never used by Qt's standard views
QTableWidgetItem *dlgGroups::GetNewItem(const QVariant& value, int role = Qt::EditRole){ auto c_item = new QTableWidgetItem; c_item->setData(role , value); if(role==Qt::CheckStateRole) c_item->setFlags(c_item->flags() | Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable); return c_item; }
then you can use
m_table->setItem(0, 2, GetNewItem(Qt::Unchecked,Qt::CheckStateRole));