Designer.exe will not launch after compiling libraries
I am overly frustrated with the Qt - Visual Studio add-in because I cannot get the designer to open my *.ui files. The problem lies in the launching of designer.exe. I am not sure why this is the case but when I open designer through the Visual Studio 2010 menu item or through the C:\Qt\bin\designer.exe file the same thing happens. The process shows up in the task manager for a moment and then dissappears, never to successfully launch.
The process I used to install:
- Download and extract Qt 4.7.3 Source Code
- Copy contents of the folder qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.3 to C:\Qt\4.7.3
- Set-up enviromental variables (QTDIR and QMAKESPEC) and update PATH to include (%QDIR%\bin)
- From Visual Studios Command Prompt:
cd c:\Qt\4.7.3
configure -debug-and-release -opensource - platform win32-msvc2010
nmake - Install Qt Visual Studio Add-in
- Integrate just complied Qt to IDE using menu Qt > Qt Options
I am sure all these details were not necessary but can someone help solve this issue? I am mid project and would like to finish my application. Thanks.
Edit: I am using Visual Studios Ultimate 2010 x64 with Windows 7 Enterprise x64.
Did you have already a Qt version installed prior to compilation of version 4.7.3?
Seeing the sequence of steps you listed, I do not see a particular problem.
I guess you have downloaded the zip-file. Otherwise you should have had problems in the make process.
I am not sure if you really need step three of your list.The major differences I see that I am on Visual studio 2005 and possibly that I have had always a Qt version installed prior to recompilation.
It could be an incompatibility of vsaddins with your vs version.
Can you create an ui through vs2010 (add class->Qt4 classes->Qt4GuiClass)?
bq. have you installed all updates for your studio? there was a bug in the compiler which made crashes like that in early versions.
Nazgul is right, I had the same problem you are having. Install service pack 1 for VS2010 and the problem will probably vanish. This was a BUG on VS2010.
To those building Qt over Windows using Visual Studio and still having difficult, please check "this out":