Can't use QML API in Qt Creator 2.2.1
I am trying to use the ThemeEffects. I am including the following line in my QML file:
@import 1.1@And in my .pro:
@CONFIG += mobility
MOBILITY = feedback@When I run my app on the simulator, I get the following error:
@plugin cannot be loaded for module "": Cannot load library C:/QtSDK/Simulator/Qt/mingw/imports/QtMobility/feedback/declarative_feedbackd.dll: The specified module could not be found.
import 1.1
^@I have used the Feedback API in this way before, and no error was generated, the only thing different here is a new install of Qt Creator.
Any help appreciated!
I'm having this exact same issue, the main difference is I'm having trouble getting this to work on a build using the experimental Qt Components, unsure as to whether this is the cause or not but it seems to be the only different between other working projects.
Did you find a solution?