windeployqt.exe returning 1 without error or warning
I'm writing a software using Qt 5.6.2 with CMake and MSVC 2013 on windows 10.
I can compile without problem, run the soft (either from MSVC and the release folder), everything's fine. I discovered the windeployqt software and I want to call it in my CMakeLists.txt file. I had the warning
Warning: Cannot find Visual Studio installation directory, VCINSTALLDIR is not set.
therefore I added the
switch, now the output looks likeD:\GitRepos\...\gridCreator64.exe 64 bit, debug executable Adding Qt5Svg for qsvgicond.dll Direct dependencies: Qt5Concurrent Qt5Core Qt5Gui Qt5Widgets All dependencies : Qt5Concurrent Qt5Core Qt5Gui Qt5Widgets To be deployed : Qt5Concurrent Qt5Core Qt5Gui Qt5Svg Qt5Widgets Qt5Concurrentd.dll is up to date. Qt5Cored.dll is up to date. Qt5Guid.dll is up to date. Qt5Svgd.dll is up to date. Qt5Widgetsd.dll is up to date. libGLESV2d.dll is up to date. libEGLd.dll is up to date. D3Dcompiler_47.dll is up to date. opengl32sw.dll is up to date. Patching Qt5Cored.dll... qsvgicond.dll is up to date. qddsd.dll is up to date. qgifd.dll is up to date. qicnsd.dll is up to date. qicod.dll is up to date. qjpegd.dll is up to date. qsvgd.dll is up to date. qtgad.dll is up to date. qtiffd.dll is up to date. qwbmpd.dll is up to date. qwebpd.dll is up to date. qwindowsd.dll is up to date. Creating qt_ca.qm...
but the output status is 1, therefore failing my build as CMake detects an error. Am I doing something wrong?
My bad, I should have read the output more carefully: the translation qt_ca actually fails.
(Why on Earth does it want me to use Catalan)The question is why no error / warning is shown if translations cannot be found. I added --no-translations and now the exit status is0
leading to a successful build.Sorry for the noise.