QtCreator vs. Xcode
First of all:
I am a complete newbie in Qt. I have developed an OpenGL-Project, which should now contain a nice GUI. Thats why I am trying to learn Qt.I have installed the Qt SDK. I have no problems at all to run the opengl-examples in QtCreator. Now I wanted to integrate Qt in Xcode. I have tried the same example. I have integrated all headers. In the code are no errors, but I get these messages, when push "Build and Run".
ld: warning: in /Developer/QtSDK/Simulator/Qt/gcc/lib/QtOpenGL.framework/QtOpenGL, file was built for unsupported file format which is not the architecture being linked (i386)
Undefined symbols:
"GLWidget::yRotationChanged(int)", referenced from:
GLWidget::setYRotation(int) in glwidget.o
"QString::free(QString::Data*)", referenced from:
QString::~QString()in window.o
"QWidget::~QWidget()", referenced from:
Window::Window()in window.o
Window::~Window()in main.o
"QWidget::close()", referenced from:
Window::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent*) in window.o
"QObject::connect(QObject const*, char const*, QObject const*, char const*, Qt::ConnectionType)", referenced from:
Window::Window()in window.o
"QWidget::setWindowTitle(QString const&)", referenced from:
Window::Window()in window.o
"QMetaObject::tr(char const*, char const*) const", referenced from:
Window::tr(char const*, char const*)in window.o
"QGLWidget::qglClearColor(QColor const&) const", referenced from:
GLWidget::initializeGL() in glwidget.o
"vtable for Window", referenced from:
__ZTV6Window$non_lazy_ptr in window.o
__ZTV6Window$non_lazy_ptr in main.o
(maybe you meant: __ZTV6Window$non_lazy_ptr)
"QHBoxLayout::QHBoxLayout()", referenced from:
Window::Window()in window.o
"QWidget::sizeHint() const", referenced from:
_main in main.o
"QColor::dark(int) const", referenced from:
GLWidget::initializeGL() in glwidget.o
"GLWidget::zRotationChanged(int)", referenced from:
GLWidget::setZRotation(int) in glwidget.o
"QAbstractSlider::setSingleStep(int)", referenced from:
Window::createSlider() in window.o
"QWidget::QWidget(QWidget*, QFlagsQt::WindowType)", referenced from:
Window::Window()in window.o
"vtable for GLWidget", referenced from:
__ZTV8GLWidget$non_lazy_ptr in glwidget.o
(maybe you meant: __ZTV8GLWidget$non_lazy_ptr)
"qFlagLocation(char const*)", referenced from:
Window::Window()in window.o
"QWidget::resize(QSize const&)", referenced from:
_main in main.o
"QColor::operator=(QColor const&)", referenced from:
GLWidget::GLWidget(QWidget*)in glwidget.o
"QAbstractSlider::setValue(int)", referenced from:
Window::Window()in window.o
"QSlider::setTickPosition(QSlider::TickPosition)", referenced from:
Window::createSlider() in window.o
"QSlider::QSlider(Qt::Orientation, QWidget*)", referenced from:
Window::createSlider() in window.o
"QAbstractSlider::setRange(int, int)", referenced from:
Window::createSlider() in window.o
"QtLogo::setColor(QColor)", referenced from:
GLWidget::initializeGL() in glwidget.o
"QtLogo::QtLogo(QObject*, int, double)", referenced from:
GLWidget::initializeGL() in glwidget.o
"QApplication::desktop()", referenced from:
_main in main.o
"Window::staticMetaObject", referenced from:
__ZN6Window16staticMetaObjectE$non_lazy_ptr in window.o
(maybe you meant: __ZN6Window16staticMetaObjectE$non_lazy_ptr)
"QColor::fromCmykF(double, double, double, double, double)", referenced from:
GLWidget::GLWidget(QWidget*)in glwidget.o
"QAbstractSlider::setPageStep(int)", referenced from:
Window::createSlider() in window.o
"QGLFormat::~QGLFormat()", referenced from:
GLWidget::GLWidget(QWidget*)in glwidget.o
"QWidget::showMaximized()", referenced from:
_main in main.o
"GLWidget::xRotationChanged(int)", referenced from:
GLWidget::setXRotation(int) in glwidget.o
"QApplication::QApplication(int&, char**, int)", referenced from:
_main in main.o
"QGLFormat::QGLFormat(QFlagsQGL::FormatOption, int)", referenced from:
GLWidget::GLWidget(QWidget*)in glwidget.o
"QSlider::setTickInterval(int)", referenced from:
Window::createSlider() in window.o
"QApplication::exec()", referenced from:
_main in main.o
"QWidget::setLayout(QLayout*)", referenced from:
Window::Window()in window.o
"QGLWidget::~QGLWidget()", referenced from:
GLWidget::~GLWidget()in glwidget.o
GLWidget::GLWidget(QWidget*)in glwidget.o
"QWidget::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent*)", referenced from:
Window::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent*) in window.o
"QApplication::~QApplication()", referenced from:
_main in main.o
"QtLogo::draw() const", referenced from:
GLWidget::paintGL() in glwidget.o
"QColor::invalidate()", referenced from:
QColor::QColor()in glwidget.o
"QGLWidget::QGLWidget(QGLFormat const&, QWidget*, QGLWidget const*, QFlagsQt::WindowType)", referenced from:
GLWidget::GLWidget(QWidget*)in glwidget.o
"QWidget::show()", referenced from:
_main in main.o
"QBoxLayout::addWidget(QWidget*, int, QFlagsQt::AlignmentFlag)", referenced from:
Window::Window()in window.o
ld: symbol(s) not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
@Now my questions:
Is it possible that I get this message, because I am not using qmake.
I have tried use qmake and pasted into the terminal the following line: qmake -spec macx-xcode project.pro
but i only get the message qmake: command not found
Is it adviseable to use QtCreator instead of Xcode? Is it possible to compile every opengl code with qt?
You will have to add at least QtCore and QtGui (and maybe some more) to the list of used frameworks in XCode.
Regarding your qmake problem: You will have to call it by its full path. I don't know where it is located in the SDK. I'd try
mdfind -name qmake | grep bin
@on the command line.
Thanks for your answers: Somehow this qmake isnt working. My qmake file can be found here: /Developer/QtSDK/Simulator/Qt/gcc/bin/qmake
Then I have typed in: /Developer/QtSDK/Simulator/Qt/gcc/bin/qmake -project -o /Developer/QtSDK/Examples/4.7/opengl/untitled
Nothing happens!
My biggest question right now is how to create this .pro-file. Because its not working with me.
Thanks in Advance
The argument to "-o" is the .pro file you want to create. It's unlikely that the path you provided is what you want :)
So, go to a terminal and type:
cd /path/to/your/source
/Developer/QtSDK/Simulator/Qt/gcc/bin/qmake -spec macx-xcode project.pro
open project.xcodeproj
@Regarding your 3rd question: yes that's possible and easy. Both XCode and Qt Creator just call gcc behind the scenes.
[fixed strikethrouh error, Volker]
Thank you it worked....