ListView does not change currentIndex when scrolling
I want to have picture slideshow with indicator (which picture is shown) at the bottom, so I have used ListView with snapMode: ListView.SnapOneItem and PageIndicator at the bottom. The problem is that when I "swipe" pictures ListView.currentIndex is not updated, on the other hand when I press PageIndicator and set plantPicView.currentIndex=index ListView changes the current image.
Below is my code, how to notify PageIndicator that pictures are swiped ?Rectangle { id: listViewRect latinText.bottom anchors.topMargin: 10 width:parent.width-100 height:3*width/4 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter ListModel { id: plantPicModel ListElement { imagePath: "images/1.jpg"; imageName: "flower" } ListElement { imagePath: "images/2.jpg"; imageName: "house" } ListElement { imagePath: "images/3.jpg"; imageName: "water" } } ListView { id: plantPicView snapMode: ListView.SnapOneItem orientation: Qt.Horizontal width:parent.width height:parent.height anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter clip: true z:10 model: plantPicModel delegate: PictureDelegate { z:11 } spacing: 0 onCurrentIndexChanged: { console.log("plantPicView index:"+currentIndex) } } MouseArea { id: plantMouseArea z:5 width: plantFlickable.contentWidth height: plantFlickable.contentHeight x: -parent.x y: 0 // preventStealing: true propagateComposedEvents: true property real velocity: 0.0 property int xStart: 0 property int xPrev: 0 property int yPrev: 0 property bool tracing: false property int swiping onPressed: { xStart = mouse.x xPrev = mouse.x velocity = 0 tracing = true swiping = false } onPositionChanged: { if ( !tracing ) return var currVel = (mouse.x-xPrev) velocity = (velocity + currVel)/2.0 xPrev = mouse.x if ( velocity < -15 ) { tracing = false swiping=true } if ( velocity > 15 ) { tracing = false swiping=true showMapPage() } } onReleased: { tracing = false } } } PageIndicator { listViewRect.bottom anchors.horizontalCenter: listViewRect.horizontalCenter currentIndex: plantPicView.view.currentIndex count: plantPicModel.count delegate: Rectangle { implicitWidth: 16 implicitHeight: 16 radius: width / 2 color: "#21be2b" opacity: index === plantPicView.currentIndex ? 0.95 : pressed ? 0.7 : 0.45 Behavior on opacity { OpacityAnimator { duration: 100 } } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { plantPicView.currentIndex = index } } } } // PictureDelegate Rectangle { width:plantPicView.width height:plantPicView.height color: "#10d848" Image { id: imageItem fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit anchors.fill: parent source: imagePath } }
plantMouseArea is for getting the right swipe gesture to get back to previous page.
Best Regards
Marek -
@Marek said in ListView does not change currentIndex when scrolling:
The problem is that when I "swipe" pictures ListView.currentIndex is not updated
and thats good ;)
The current index shouldn't change during scrolling. If you need that you need to listen to scroll updates and set the current index yourself accordingly. -
@raven-worx any hint how to listen to the scroll updates?
Or maybe there is a better way to do picture slideShow with indicator ? -
You can make use of SwipeView instead of ListView, that is the easiest way to achieve your goal.
For the existing code, add highlightRangeMode: ListView.StrictlyEnforceRange inside ListView.
From the documentation.
[snapMode does not affect the currentIndex. To update the currentIndex as the list is moved, set highlightRangeMode to ListView.StrictlyEnforceRange.]
@Yashpal Thanks, highlightRangeMode: ListView.StrictlyEnforceRange works ;)
I have tried SwipeView earlier but wasn't sure whether this will work with QAbstractListModel exposed from C++ and the model updates when picture is downloaded from server.Best Regards