installation of QT creator 5.6.0 with gstreamer on Windows 10
Hi All,
i installed QT creator 5.6.0(qt-opensource-windows-x86-msvc2015_64-5.6.0) on 64 bit windows machine.tested small program,its working fine.
now i want to play a video using gstreamer.
so i installed gstreamer (gstreamer-1.0-x86_64-1.12.1) and serached gstreamer-1.0 lib but could not found.
again downloaded some other gstreamer for 64 bits but gstreamer-1.0 lib but could not found.downloaded gstreamer for 32 bit machine (gstreamer-1.0-devel-x86-1.12.1) and installed it on this 64 bit machine.
serached gstreamer-1.0 lib, this lib is there in a path.why this library is not there when installing 64 bit gstreamer and is it ok to install 32 bit gstreamer on 64 bit QT creator?
please suggest me.
now i have written code for playing video using gstremer.
in mainWindow.cpp
#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "ui_mainwindow.h"
#include <gst.h>
#include <glib.h>gst.h and glib.h is related to gstreamer.
so i added gstreamer library in .profile as
INCLUDEPATH += E:/gstreamer/1.0/x86/include
E:/gstreamer/1.0/x86/include/gstreamer-1.0/gstLIBS += -LE:/gstreamer/1.0/x86/lib
-LE:/gstreamer/1.0/x86/lib -gstreamer-1.0
CONFIG += E:/gstreamer/1.0/x86/lib/pkgconfigwhile compiling i am getting error as
can not open included file gst.h .please suggest me where i missed in .profile ?
is it possible to integrate gstreamer with QT in window10 ?
is there any pluggins require for QT creator for using gstreamer?
if Yes then please suggest me how to install gstreamer pluggins for QT.
Thanks in advance.
@shashi-prasad said in installation of QT creator 5.6.0 with gstreamer on Windows 10:
This is not a devel package so .lib files are not likely to be included. I would suggest using gstreamer-1.0-devel-x86_64-1.12.1.msi instead.