Library's name
Hi mike4,
there are 3 possibilities:
you use plain C functions. Then you can use late binding and QLibbrary::resolve
you want to use C++ classes, then you must use early binding and link against the library
you combine them through the use of interfaces and creator functions. But then the interfaces must be pure interfaces.
now i simply want to compile/run the main.cpp in the root folder and get:dlerror:/apps/X-Plane/Aircraft/General Aviation/Paa/alal/plugins/fmc/lin.xpl: undefined symbol: _ZN9FMSSystemC1Ev
Compilation is ok without linking. So i cannot link for GPL reasons but what am i doing then? And why do i get the above error if i don't have to link?
The lib is compiled and copied into the same folder as the plugin(main.cpp; x-plane plugin) above. Either the lib as the plugin are shared libs.
Thanks again