I cannot compile a simple "hello" project
I have been programming for a number of years C/C++ and GUI with Windows forms. I am interested in learnig Qt4 and I downloaded the QtSDK 4.7.3 for OS X Lion (I have a Mac computer with this OS with Xcode.app 4.1). Following a "qmake Tutotrial" in the "qmake Manual" I set a "hello" project with the following files:
#include <QPushButton>class MyPushButton : public QPushButton
MyPushButton(const QString &text;);
#include <QDebug>
#include "hello.h"MyPushButton::MyPushButton(const QString &text;)
: QPushButton(text)
qDebug() << "My PushButton has been constructed";
#include <QApplication>
#include "hello.h"int main(int argc, char **argv)
QApplication app(argc, argv);MyPushButton helloButton("Hello world!"); helloButton.resize(100, 30); helloButton.show(); return app.exec();
I have created a"hello.pro" file
CONFIG += qt
HEDERS += hello.h
SOURCES += hello.cpp
SOURCES =+ main.cppI have all these files in a subdirectory "Users/[my name]/Documents. Following the instructions of the tutorial I opened "Terminal" change to the directory where my files are and typed:
qmake -o Makefile hello.pro.Terminal came back with:
-bash: qmake: command not foundI tried a number of different things with the same result. For example I found "qmake" in "Users/[my name]/QtSDK/Desktop/Qt/473/gcc/bin". I put a copy of "qmake" in the subdirectory with the other files with the same result. I also deleted the QtSDK and installed it again, rebooted my computer, etc.
Then I tried something else; I opened Qt Creator.app (version 2.2.1) and I did "File->New File or Project->Other Project->Empty Qt Project". A called this project "hello", I set up as "Target" "Desktop". Then, within QT Creator I clicked on "Buil All" and I get an error message "No rule to make target 'hello.cpp' needed by 'hello.o". Stop.
By the way I ran some of the examples in Qt Creator and the work correctly.
I will appreciate any ideas about compiling this project.
Hi mcII,
Welcome to the devnet forum!
Could put your code in @ tags or use the button with <> on it on top of this editor? That makes it more readable.
You could also make a new project based on this "tutorial":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/gettingstartedqt.html. I'm not sure which qmake tutorial you used. Could be an old one. Since you are a GUI guy i think you like it better ;)
Did you use the general console ? You should use the one you can find in the Qt group, which has all the needed paths set in. Go to start > Qt > ...console (or something like that)
Try this "tutorial":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/install-mac.html. You need to set the environment variables, because your console right now knows nothing about where to find qmake and qt libs.
[quote author="Chuck Gao" date="1312040115"]Some mistakes when writing pro file
HEDERS += hello.h
SOURCES += hello.cpp
SOURCES =+ main.cpp
[/quote]I think mcII sealed when post this, because he would have caught the error at compile time.
Although what I'm saying he's not yet compiled :-D -
Thank you for your help. My background is from the "old" school of MS DOS but so far I have very little knowledge of the equivalent in the Mac world. I have no clue about setting environment variables in Mac I don't want to use this forum to learn these basics.
I will look for books where I can learn as much as I need of the Mac Terminal. If after my education effort I have problems, I will come to this forum for help. Thanks again. -
[quote author="mcII" date="1312043464"]Thank you for your help. My background is from the "old" school of MS DOS but so far I have very little knowledge of the equivalent in the Mac world. I have no clue about setting environment variables in Mac I don't want to use this forum to learn these basics.
I will look for books where I can learn as much as I need of the Mac Terminal. If after my education effort I have problems, I will come to this forum for help. Thanks again.[/quote]Everything is fine, this forum was created for this purpose and you can ask about all.