Got off the encoding
Hellow, i have some problem:
if a try to do it:
//process is object of QProcess
i get it:
bq. áâ ®¢ª á¢ï§¨ á CORBINA...
஢¥àª ¨¬¥¨ ¨ ¯ à®«ï ¯®«ì§®¢ ⥫ï...
¥£¨áâà æ¨ï ª®¬¯ìîâ¥à ¢ á¥â¨...
áâ ®¢«¥ á¢ï§ì á CORBINA.
®¬ ¤ ãá¯¥è® § ¢¥àè¥ .behind normal text, i try use toAscii(), toLocal8bit(), toUtf8(), toLatin1(), but i dont get normal text, how can i do it?
Advance many thanks for your help! -
The problem is probably not in the conversion from QString, but in the conversion to QString. The QProcess::readALlStandardOutput() function returns a byte array. You have to convert that to a QString using the proper encoding using one of the QString::from*() variants, or even explicitly stating an encoding. Probably you could go for QString::fromLocal8Bit(), but I'm not sure about that.
What kind of text does the process output?
I try use all QString::from*, but it is donr work
bq. What kind of text does the process output?
I think, that it is must output russian text, as think Vass
bq. Ruzik try toLocal8bit() to local QString, after it try using QTextCodec class for correct encoding
I try do it, but i get other strange simbols instead of normal signs:
@ QString str;
QByteArray bArray = process->readAllStandardOutput();
str = QString(bArray).toLocal8Bit();
QTextCodec * tc = QTextCodec::codecForLocale();
textEdit->append(tc->toUnicode(bArray));@ -
@ QString str;
QByteArray bArray = process->readAllStandardOutput();
str = QString(bArray).toLocal8Bit();
QTextCodec * tc = QTextCodec::codecForLocale();
You are worried about the outgoing encoding, but you forget the incoming encoding. This code makes no sense at all.Get your incoming encoding right:
@ // untested
QTextCodec *codec = QTextCodec::codecForLocale();
QByteArray bytes = process->readAllStandardOutput();
QString str = codec->toUnicode(bytes);
@While you're at it, check if codecForLocale() is actually the codec you need.
Process - rasdial.exe in Windows( )
Output on the russian language(on the my computer), but i dont know encoding of this process -
Consider choosing that locale explicitly:
@QTextCodec *cp1251 = QTextCodec::codecForName("Windows-1251");
QTextCodec *koi8u = QTextCodec::codecForName("KOI8-U");
for example, and see if that makes a difference in converting the string to unicode/QString.