Plugin for Visual Studio 2017?
Since vs 2015 is compatible with 2017 (for first time ever)
I was wondering if the 2015 addin will work ? -
There's a beta for VS2017 here: qt-vsaddin-msvc2017-2.1.1.
@dragon4eg said in Plugin for Visual Studio 2017?:
could you please tell how did you install it actually?
normally just double-click the vsix-file should be enough and VS tries to install it autmatically. But if your file mapping is corrupted you can try to install it manually by:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio XXX\Common7\IDE\VSIXInstaller.exe" "path\to\qt-vsaddin-msvc2017-2.1.1-beta-10.03.2017.vsix"
@raven-worx Thanks a lot! you pointed me to the .... I just have no words to call it... the file mapping is ok. just the browser's brain damaged... (that's a fresh windows installation in Parallels for MacOS so the default browser used...)
@dragon4eg vsix is actually just a zip file. download it and rename it, then visual studio wont have any problems installing it