Problem with new object from another class
I am sure it´s a minor problem, but i cant find a solution to my problem.
I am trying to declare a new object from another class and then use a method.
The other class has an overloaded constructor and i think thats my problem.#pragma once /*! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Name: AnalyseEKG.h * Autor: Ritthaler * Version: 1.0 * Copyright: Team 3KG * Description: Softwarepraktikum SoSe 2017 * * Abhängige Dateien: AnalyseEKG.cpp * Änderungen: * * Name | Version | Datum/Zeit |Grund * Ritthaler | 1.0 | 07.05.17 |Erstellung * Ritthaler | 1.1 | 07.06.17 |Bearbeitung * Ritthaler | 1.2 | 10.06.17 |Bearbeitung * | | | * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef _ANALYSE_EKG_ #define _ANALYSE_EKG_ #include <vector> #include <string> #include <AnalyseLagetyp.h> #include <AnalyseSTEMI.h> using namespace std; class AnalyseEKG { public: /*! * Aufgabe: Konstruktor * * Input: Zweidimensionaler double-Vektor * * Output: - * */ AnalyseEKG(std::vector<std::vector<double>> v); ~AnalyseEKG(); /*! * Aufgabe: Liefert die Anzahl der R-Zacken zurück * * Input: - * * Output: int * */ int getAnzRZacken(); /*! * Aufgabe: liefert die Herzfrequenz zurück * * Input: - * * Output: int HF * */ int getHF(); /*! * Aufgabe: liefert den Lagetyp zurück * * Input: - * * Output: string Lagetyp * */ string getLagetyp(); /*! * Aufgabe: liefert STEMI ja/nein zurück * * Input: - * * Output: bool * */ bool getSTEMI(); private: // vector<double> vAuswertung; //!Vektor mit EKG-Ableitungen: Zeit I II III aVR aVF aVL std::vector<std::vector< double > > vAuswertung; /*! * Aufgabe: Markierung der Q- und R-Zacken im EKG * * Input: - * * Output: - * */ void MarkiereEKG(); std::vector<int> PositionQZacke; //! Speichert Positionen der Q-Zacken std::vector<int> PositionRZacke; //! Speichert Positionen der R-Zacken }; #endif //_ANALYSE_EKG___
/*! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Name: mainwindow.h * Autor: Sk...., Marcel * Stangl, Florian * * Version: 0.9 * Erstellung: 02.05.2017 * Copyright: Team 3KG * Description: Softwarepraktikum SoSe 2017 * * Abhängige Dateien: Befunder.cpp, Person.h, Person.cpp, EKG2File.h, EKG2File.cpp * qcustomplot.h, qcustomplot.cpp * * Aufgabe: GUI Erstellen und alle Operationen ausführen * * Änderungen: * * Name | Version | Datum/Zeit |Grund * | | | * | | | * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #pragma once #ifndef MAINWINDOW_H #define MAINWINDOW_H //! @brief Include für das QT #include <QMainWindow> //! @brief Include der abhängigen Dateien (Klassen) #include "befunder.h" #include "patient.h" #include "person.h" #include "EKG2File.h" #include "AnalyseEKG.h" #include "AnalyseLagetyp.h" #include "AnalyseSTEMI.h" //! @brief Include für Graphenausgabe #include <qcustomplot.h> #include <QVector> #include <vector> namespace Ui { class MainWindow; } class MainWindow : public QMainWindow { Q_OBJECT public: //! @brief Konstruktor explicit MainWindow(QWidget *parent = 0); //! @brief Destruktor ~MainWindow(); //! @brief Slots zur Verarbeitung der Befehle auf der Oberfläche private slots: private: //! @brief Objekt Vektor für den Plot EKG2File werteVector; //! @brief Objekt für die Herzfrequenz AnalyseEKG herzfrequenz (std::vector<std::vector<double>> hfVector); ////////////// here is the problem. he doesnt recognize "herzfrequenz"(it´s not colored red). but theres no error message here. //! @brief Objekt für den Lagetyp AnalyseEKG lagetyp; /////// here i want to do the same. he recognizes "lagetyp" (colors it red). but thats wrong, because he needs a vector. //! @brief Objekt für den STEMI //AnalyseEKG stemi; #endif // MAINWINDOW_H
void MainWindow::einthoven_plotten() { std::vector<std::vector<int>> hfVectors; graph_erstellen(); do { plotVector = werteVector.createEKGVector(i); x.append(plotVector[0]); abl1.append(plotVector[1]); abl2.append(plotVector[2]); abl3.append(plotVector[3]); ui->Plot1->graph(0)->setData(x,abl1); ui->Plot1->replot(); ui->Plot2->graph(0)->setData(x,abl2); ui->Plot2->replot(); ui->Plot3->graph(0)->setData(x,abl3); ui->Plot3->replot(); hfVectors = herzfrequenz.getHF(); /////// i want to use it here, but the error message says "D:\Programme\QT\MeineProjekte\3KG_3.0\mainwindow.cpp:792: Fehler: '((MainWindow*)this)->MainWindow::herzfrequenz' does not have class type hfVectors = herzfrequenz.getHF(); ^ //////////////////////////////// if(plotVector[0] == max) { QApplication::processEvents(); max = max + 1; min = min + 1; ui->Plot1->xAxis->setRange(min,max); ui->Plot1->replot(); ui->Plot2->xAxis->setRange(min,max); ui->Plot2->replot(); ui->Plot3->xAxis->setRange(min,max); ui->Plot3->replot(); } i++; }while(i != 10000 || stoppVariable != 0); }
ive marked the problem lines with ///////////
Thanks in advance.
@Marcel92 said in Problem with new object from another class:
Hi, easy way around it is just to use pointer
in mainwindows.h
AnalyseEKG *herzfrequenz=NULL;then before any use, you do
std::vector<std::vector<double>> v; // note its local.
herzfrequenz = new AnalyseEKG (v); // give it the vectorAlternatively you can assign such members via constructor list can also add a second constructor taking no arguments and add a
setVector function so you can add vector later. (before use)Note that it seems to copy the vector to its private variable. ( i assume its by design)
Note2: The einthoven_plotten contains a loop that if very long, will hang the application. -
Hey @mrjj
Thanks for your answer.
I tried your pointer solutionAnalyseEKG *herzfrequenz=NULL; std::vector<std::vector<double>> v; // note its local. herzfrequenz = new AnalyseEKG (v); // give it the vector
But then it gives me the error : herzfrequenz does not name a type?? I dont get it.
Did you add
#include "AnalyseEKG.h"
in mainwindow.h
so it knows the type for
AnalyseEKG *herzfrequenz=NULL;also the using code is inside a member function of mainwinow?
#include "AnalyseEKG.h" class MainWindow : public QMainWindow { Q_OBJECT public: explicit MainWindow(QWidget *parent = 0); ~MainWindow(); void Using(); private: Ui::MainWindow *ui; AnalyseEKG *herzfrequenz=NULL; }; then in mainwindow.cpp MainWindow::void Using() { std::vector<std::vector<double>> v; // note its local. herzfrequenz = new AnalyseEKG (v); // give it the vector. Note you should call delete on this when finished using it }
Np :)Note that each time you call Using() , a new class is created.
If that not what you want then use this not so pretty constructif (! herzfrequenz)
herzfrequenz = new AnalyseEKG (v); // will only run once.but make sure it says
AnalyseEKG *herzfrequenz=NULL; in .h file ( or nullptr)