ASSERT Widget must be created in a GUI Thread
General and Desktop
I have a Problem to seperate a Copy Process in a different Thread. For the Copy Process i have a QProgressDialog, but in the new Thread i cant use the QProgressDialog, the Error says. But especially for that im using movetothread.
QThread *thread = new QThread(); DiaryProgress *progress = new DiaryProgress(this); progress->setAttachments(mAttachments); progress->moveToThread(thread); connect(progress, SIGNAL(errorString(QString)), this, SLOT(errorString(QString))); connect(thread, SIGNAL(started()), progress, SLOT(showDialog())); connect(progress, SIGNAL(finished()), thread, SLOT(quit())); connect(progress, SIGNAL(finished()), progress, SLOT(deleteLater())); connect(thread, SIGNAL(finished()), thread, SLOT(deleteLater())); thread->start();
The Error happens, when im using the QProgressDialog in the showDialog() SLOT.
void DiaryProgress::showDialog() { QString mAppDataLocation = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation); mAppDataLocation += QString(QDir::separator()) + "Attachments"; QDir dir(mAppDataLocation); if (!dir.exists()) dir.mkpath(mAppDataLocation); QProgressDialog progress("Saving...", "", 0, mAttachments->count()); progress.setWindowModality(Qt::WindowModal); progress.setCancelButton(0); for (int i = 0; i <= mAttachments->count(); i++) { if (i < mAttachments->count()) { QString oldPath = mAttachments->at(i).absoluteFilePath(); QString newPath = mAppDataLocation + QString(QDir::separator()) + mAttachments->at(i).fileName(); while (QFile(newPath).exists()) { QString suffix = "." + QFileInfo(newPath).suffix(); newPath = QFileInfo(newPath).absolutePath() + QString(QDir::separator()) + mAttachments->at(i).baseName() + QString::number(i) + suffix; } QFile(oldPath).copy(oldPath, newPath); //QApplication::processEvents(); } else { // Database *db; // db = Database::instance(); // int id = db->insertDiary(ui->diarytextwidget->getText(), ui->wStarRating->getRating(), QDate(ui->lCurrentDate->text())); // for (auto item : mAttachments) // { // db->insertDiaryAttachments(id, item.basename(), item.absoluteFilePath()); // } } progress.setValue(i); QThread::sleep(1); } progress.setValue(mAttachments->count()); emit finished(); }
Anyone has an idea, how i can use a QProgressDialog in another Thread?
@Fuel said in ASSERT Widget must be created in a GUI Thread:
Anyone has an idea, how i can use a QProgressDialog in another Thread?
as the error says you can't. Rather redesign your code that the custom thread does the work and simply sends the progress via signals (queued connection) to the widget/dialog in the gui/main thread.