Checkable box with QAbstractTableModel implementation
I need to add a checkbox to my TableView through my model. I've already added the
if ( role == Qt::CheckStateRole && index.column() == CHECKBOX_COL ) { retval = Qt::Unchecked; }
I've also attempted the setDataFunction. However, I cannot check the checkbox. I was wondering if anyone had an example where you can check rows of data in a TableView and where I'm able to capture the check or uncheck via a signal. I'll also be implementing check all and uncheck all functionality via buttons; however, would like to get the check buttons working properly first.
did you forget to add the Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable in the model's flag() implementation? (For the relevant model index) -
@HunterMetcalfe said in Checkable box with QAbstractTableModel implementation:
where I'm able to capture the check or uncheck via a signal
If you are implementing your own model add the optional
const QVector<int> &roles
as last argument to thedataChanged()
signal and in the slot check thatroles.contains(Qt::CheckStateRole)
const int numRows = model->rowCount(idx); for(int i=0;i<numRows ;++i) model->setData(model->index(i,idx.column(),idx),newCheck,Qt::CheckStateRole);
emit checkChanged(idx);
Thanks for the replies! I will try exactly this. I apologize for the delay. Many other projects to be completed.