QWebEngine can't load localhost on Windows
Hello everyone!
I'm porting old WebKit framework to the new QWebEngine
I'm using Qt 5.6
I need to load local webapps through localhost to bypass flash player security using QtcpServer.MainWindows start my tcp server with port 5052
in My webEngineClass (webenginewidget.cpp) there is a method that open the webappvoid WebEngineWidget::openDocument() { QString webAppUrl = ResourceManager().getWebappsDir("videoswf/index.html").absolutePath(); QString indexUrl = "http://localhost:5082" + webAppUrl; QUrl index(indexUrl); qInfo() << "openVideoDocument" << index; view->load(index); }
So on loadFinished i can call runjavascript to create my embed video swf
This work very well on mac Osx
output of qInfo:openVideoDocument QUrl("http://localhost:5082/Users/dev/build/webapps/videoswf/index.html")
But in Windows
qInfo() << "openVideoDocument" << index showqInfo() << "openVideoDocument" << QUrl("");
Any Idea ??
Thanks in advanced