Exposing Array of Objects to QML side
class Fruit : public QObject { Q_PROPERTY(string name READ getname WRITE setname NOTIFY nameChanged) } class FruitData: public QObject { QMap<int, Fruit*> m_Fruits; } fruitData = new FruitData; engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("fruitData",&fruitData)
Exposed the FruitData object to qml.
Window { visible: true;width: 500;height: 500;title: qsTr("Hello World") Column { anchors.fill: parent;spacing: 5 Repeater { model : fruit.count Rectangle { width: parent.width;height: 40;color : "#333333" Row { anchors.centerIn: parent;spacing: 5 Text {text : fruitData.fruit.name} Text {text : fruitData.fruit.price} Text {text : fruitData.fruit.color} } } } } }
C++ - I have 5 fruit objects on C++ side.
QML - I used the repeater and created Row of text elements to display 5 fruits name.Question
How can I do property binding such that
Row-1 text should refer to array index 1 on C++ side
Row-2 text should refer to array index 2 on C++ side
Row-3 text should refer to array index 3 on C++ sideI dont want to expose it as AbstractItemModel. Is there possibility to achieve this ?
Have you seen this? http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtquick-modelviewsdata-cppmodels.html
Personally I would always go with a
based approach, but that's just personal preference. The above site demonstrates various ways of exposing C++ models to QML. -
Thank you for the same. Yes, Model is the way to achieve it. I have already achieve this with model. I did not want to use the Model. As I requested is there some other way exist like just with property binding.
@dheerendra The closest I can imagine is to register the Fruit type and return to QML a QVariantList with Fruit objects in it. Then, if I'm correct and everything goes fine, it will be a javascript array with javascript objects and can be accessed in QML: "fruitArray[index].name". But can a javascript array with objects be used as a model? I don't think so. In that case you must create a ListModel in a loop using the fruitArray data. Note: I haven't tested any of this.