[SOLVED] Is it ok to see -DWIN32 showing up in the x64 msvc command prompt during nmake?
Hello fellows.
When I try to compile Qt 4.7.3 using msvc-2010 service pack 1 (Windows 7 64 and msvc2010 x64 command prompt) I see this behavior that my untrained eyes found strange.
The compile option -DWIN32 is displayed for as much lines as I could count.Is it normal behavior?
Does it mean it is compiling Qt as a 32 that runs on 64?
Or simply as native Qt 64 bits (the DWIN32 is not important, :-) ) ?Thanks in Advance Guys!
Yes ;) . As I have mentioned, I have compiled Qt src using msvc2010 command prompt for x64, and still, during this allegedly 64 bit Qt compilation, -DWIN32 is printed in the prompt.
Also, my x64 projects are working. I just don't get these Qt src compilation messages showing -DWIN32 using msvc x64 command prompt. Do you know why is it displayed instead of something like -DX64?
Maybe it is a silly question, thanks any way.
"Predefined Macros":http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/b0084kay(v=VS.100).aspx
If you serach for _WIN32 it say:
"_WIN32: Defined for applications for Win32 and Win64. Always defined."