QtLocation offline map
I am interested in using the offline map with osm plugin (osm.mapping.offline.directory), and I found this blog post giving an example. The example does compile and run but does not work offline (works only online). I am using Qt 5.8 and I cannot find what I have done wrong since I just downloaded the example without modifying it ... Is there someone who tried to make the same example work or have an experience using the osm offline map ?
I know it's been a while but my problem is related to the exact same thing...
I'm using Qt 5.12 with QtLocation and qml, and want to display offline maps.
BUT, I want to create my own map, based on an image file (tiff for example).
I understand that I have to create a tiles folder. So I did. and managed to display tiles that were earlier saved to a cache folder of my choice.
I've also managed to create a single tile cropped from my image.
What I can't do is create the entire set of tiles from my image.
I've tried QGis with different plugins, tried Mapnik and a few other methods that I read about,
but none of them worked.Is there a working method for taking a map from an image file, and convert it to osm tiles?