Icon in pushbutton does not resize
I have built a gui in creator and some of the buttons have icons which equal the size of the button. Then when the button resize, I want the icon to rescale but it looks like I may have to do this myself by setting the scaling factor, etc. Whats the best way of resize the icon when the groups et resized? Is there a call I can intercept?
i guess your best option is :
Use an icon with the maximal size needed.
everytime you change the size of the buton call "setIconSize().":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qabstractbutton.html#iconSize-prop
bq. The default size is defined by the GUI style. This is a maximum size for the icons. Smaller icons will not be scaled up.
I am using a standard push button. And the graphics file is over the entire face of the button. How do I detect if the am getting a redraw event on the button so I can change the scale of the pixmap in the icon so the redraw can be successful when using the layout grid, vertical and horz.
You could use an event filter, Here is an example :
In the constructor of your class where you put the pushbutton
@ pushButton->installEventFilter(this);@
Then add this definition in the cpp file of yourClass(derived from QMainWindow in this example). Don't forget it's declaration.
@bool YourClass::eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event)
if (pushButton == object && event->type() == QEvent::Resize) {
qDebug() << "button was resized!";
pushButton->setIconSize( QSize( pushButton->size().width(),
pushButton->size().height() ));
return QMainWindow::eventFilter(object, event);