Specific initialization of QTextEdit
General and Desktop
I I would like to set a text with informations in a QTextEdit.
Theses informations are specific and can't be stored in html.I already implemented the text creation: I set properties into QTextCharFormat
(selected by text cursor).
Now I want do the same thing to initialize my text edit.
I would make somthing like that:QTextDocument* pDoc = pEditor->document(); if(pDoc) { const int iChunkCount = qlChunk.size(); int iChunkIndex = 0; QTextBlock blck = pDoc->begin(); while(blck.isValid())// boucle par ligne { for(QTextBlock::iterator it = blck.begin(); !(it.atEnd()); ++it)// boucle par morceau de texte { QTextFragment currentFragment = it.fragment(); if (currentFragment.isValid() && (iChunkIndex < iChunkCount)) { QTextCharFormat fragmentCharFormat = currentFragment.charFormat(); if(qlChunk[iChunkIndex].m_vHeight.isValid()) { fragmentCharFormat.setProperty(RTF_TEXT_SIZE_PROP_ID, qlChunk[iChunkIndex].m_vHeight.toDouble()); } if(qlChunk[iChunkIndex].m_vAngle.isValid()) { fragmentCharFormat.setProperty(RTF_TEXT_ANGLE_PROP_ID, qlChunk[iChunkIndex].m_vAngle.toInt()); } if(qlChunk[iChunkIndex].m_color.isValid()) { fragmentCharFormat.setProperty(RTF_TEXT_COLOR_PROP_ID, qlChunk[iChunkIndex].m_color); } iChunkIndex++; } } blck = blck.next(); } }
I hope, it's clear.
Sorry for my bad english.