Qt 5.7.0 Kernel32.dll Problem
General and Desktop
Excuse me, I'm using 5.8 i ... Now i tried 5.7 and it works.
hskoglund said in: go to solution
Hi, setting the /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS,5.01 is not possible for MinGW_32 but it is also not needed, it is already set for you automatically to /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS,4 which means you can run your MinGW_32 .exe also on WIndows NT 4 and Windows 2000.The problem is that starting with Qt 5.8.0 the classes QWindowsPipeReader and QWindowsPipeWriter in Q5Core.dll uses CancelIOEx and that API is not available on Windows XP.
If you don't use those classes perhaps it's possible to patch them, easiest would be to binary edit the IAT in Qt 5.8.0's Qt5Core.dll, but maybe there are more errors like this waiting in another Qt dll...