How to select multiple GridLayout cells with mouse
I've search all over Google and forums but I haven't found any solution that works for my problem. I'm trying to create an application for Computer use like Ruzzle and I need to figure out how to select a word, using the mouse click to "gather" the letters of the grid. How can I write my code? -
you can create a custom QML item for each cell, capable of displaying a letter and handling clicks with a MouseArea.
For example:
CellItem.qml:import QtQuick 2.5 Rectangle { id: cell width: 50 height: 50 property signal clicked property alias text: textItem.text Text { id: textItem anchors.centerIn: parent } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: cell.clicked() } }
When having multiple cells in your grid then, use the text property and clicked signal to implement your game logic:
Item { // just some dummy item, use GridLayout or position cells however you like id: cells CellItem { id: cell1 text: "H" onClicked: cells.handleClick(cell1.text) } CellItem { id: cell2 text: "I" onClicked: cells.handleClick(cell2.text) } function handleClick(letter) { // handle clicks on letters of grid, the line below prints the clicked letter console.log("Letter Clicked: "+letter) } }
For creating QML-based games, you can also have a look at V-Play Engine. It offers components to make mobile game development easier as well as game network/multiplayer services or plugins for e.g. advertisements or push notifications.
To learn more about game development with V-Play, please see the available the open-source game examples and tutorials. Especially the 2048 puzzle game or Juicy Squash match-3 game are a good fit for the type of game you want to make.