Instantely updateing headerData of QItemModel (QTreeView) when changing selection
General and Desktop
i have a QTreeView with differnt sorts of members in each row and therefore want to change the desctiption in the header according to the current selection.What i have come up with is following:
QVariant TreeModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const { if (orientation == Qt::Horizontal && role == Qt::DisplayRole) { QModelIndex index = m_tree_view->currentIndex(); TreeItem* Item_selected = static_cast<TreeItem*>(index.internalPointer()); std::string value; if(Item_selected != 0) { value = Item_selected->getDispName(section); } else{ value = m_root_item->getDispName(section); } return QVariant(value.c_str()); } return QVariant(); } This works fine, however it often tankes some time till the headers get updated, (mouseover helps, but sometimes works without) Is there a way to re-draw the header instantainiously?
Do you emit the signal QAbstractItemModel::headerDataChanged() when you change your header datas?
The documentation says: "When reimplementing the setHeaderData() function, this signal must be emitted explicitly."
-> documentation of QAbstractItemModel::headerDataChanged. -
Basically what you are doing is evil.
You should connect
signal with a slot that callssetHeaderData
in the model. that's all