Modifying the del command in makefile?
Basically I am using IFW and like to update an installer.exe and a repository folder, which does not really work.
Therefore, I am using rebuild. The exe is being removed and build again. However, the repository does not change. The reason is that the repository is a folder and not a single file.
I am on windows. The problem is that the folder is not cleaned, because the del command triggers an input from keyboard, which will not come of course. The only thing to do would be adding the parameter '/Q' to the del command as used in the makefile.However, the makefile is generated by qmake. Are there possibilities to modify the standard commands for the makefile through *.pro file?
Disclaimer: I dont know IFW so forgive me if not what u ask for.I think u can alter the
"C:\Qt\5.7\mingw53_32\mkspecs\features\spec_post.prf" (note compiler)QMAKE_DEL_FILE = del
The link below also mention
win32:QMAKE_DEL_FILE = del /q
( The talk seems for older version of Qt so not sure it still works)
Did not test. Just read.
@koahnig said in Modifying the del command in makefile?:
Ok super. that might come in handy.
I could not find the any docs either beside this one
which might explain the lack other the other docs:)